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A dialogue could contain the following:. In a family situation, please bear in mind that the Albanian morale is based on the values of family, heritage, children's education, care for elders and friendship. Feel free to talk openly about these values. You can also speak to them about your origin, cuisine, your life and family, the respect you have for your relatives, your childhood.

The reason for this is that the Albanian morale is based on family values where both the parents and children care for each other. In a family situation, business talk should be short; it is not relevant to discuss this subject in a family situation. You are welcome to speak about the beauty of nature, gardening, books, movies, music, artists, foods, your known professional and historical people, and about the persistence of your preferred people to succeed. Depending on the situation, you can be humorous and you can tell funny things from your experience.

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Albanians are people who like to smile, laugh and be amused. You would be praised for showing the proper respect to the elderly people, women, children and men. In all situations, avoid using obscene language. Family, work and where someone is from are good topics of conversation. There is often a defining characteristic that a town will take great pride in, whether it is a local food, tradition of fine craftsmanship or the beauty of its inhabitants.

Albanians also enjoy talking about the different parts of the country and sites to visit. Similarly, raki, an alcoholic drink made from grape, plum or mulberry, is a source of great pride. There is good access to international news and regional events from within Albania. Citizens are generally well informed politically. However, many have been affected directly or indirectly by regional conflicts over the past several years.

This may make it uncomfortable to discuss subjects concerning federal and Balkan politics, including relations with bordering states. Concerning issues of wealth and development, Albanians are conscious of their economic poverty in relation to the rest of Europe. An individual or solution that is deemed to have come from a country with greater development issues is vulnerable to being rejected out of hand. Maintain eye contact without staring.

Your voice should be clear, normal in tone, and directed to the listener. Show the necessary care in talking to strangers and keep a safe distance. You might see people talking and conveying a body language at the same time, usually with hands. In general, gestures and facial expressions should be normal and not tensed. Personal space is generally the same as in Canadian society.

Greeting and saying goodbye can both be done with a kiss on the right cheek between women and between women and men. Handshaking is the accepted form of greeting otherwise. Any attempt to speak Albanian is greatly appreciated.

A firm tone of voice and distinct straightforwardness is common. Volume and emotion in everyday conversation is often at a higher level than what a Canadian may typically experience.

Why Albanian Connection?

Public displays of anger and loud expressions of emotions are not welcome. In public, you can shake hands, nod your head, wave your hand, or hug a close acquaintance. Public displays of affection are rare, though younger generations are the ones most likely to challenge the norm. Singing, dancing and drinking following a shared meal are common and often involve all ages. For the most part, it is culturally appropriate and socially acceptable to express strong emotions when amongst familiar people.

It is not acceptable to convey any strong emotions amongst people who are not familiar to you. Albanian people are fond of dressing up and they follow the latest styles. At the office, people wear formal clothes, suits and uniforms. Also, it is common to see well-dressed people walking on the street. However, after working hours and in leisure ambient, you can wear casual clothes.

You should address colleagues in a casual way, but respectfully, and using their first name. You should address your superiors or non-colleagues in a formal way by using Mr. Zoti , Ms. Zonja , Prof.

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In all situations, for keeping the prestige and authority, you should be punctual, present and keen to meet deadlines. You have to show productivity in your assigned tasks and be a value-adding person. Within Tirana, the appropriate dress for work ranges from business casual to business formal. In management positions men wear suit and ties. The majority of urban Albanians take pride in their appearance and dress to the best of their ability.

Italian inspired styles are common, likely due to proximity and availability of Italian pop-culture.

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This is especially noticeable among young women who go to great efforts with their appearance. As the streets are often unpaved and usually quite dirty or muddy, it is recommended that you have a pair of walking shoes and leave dress shoes at work. Also, in the winter, offices can become cold depending on the heating system and availability of electricity. During the warmer months, the workplace can become quite hot as the day goes on.

In both cases, being prepared with alternative clothing stored at work will be of benefit. When addressing counterparts in other organizations, or when addressing colleagues for the first time, it is proper to use Mr. Once a relationship is established it is acceptable to be less formal and use first names with each other. Support staff will generally address both superiors and expatriates formally. Punctuality and reliability are not always respected. Deadlines are usually set with the expectation that they will be met, although there is often great degree of flexibility, especially when setting it.

Hosted by Ejona Vishkurti

Most professionals carry mobile phones and it is considered polite to call ahead to indicate a change in scheduled appointments. Expatriates frequently get frustrated with the apparent inability to meet deadlines and propel initiatives. In my experience, expatriates tend to put in long working hours primarily due to the work volume and also to occupy themselves. Generally, Albanian staff work a standard workweek. Often, lengthy meetings that verge on social appointments are undertaken at cafes and restaurants. How will I know how my staff view me? Education, experience, leadership, being open to new ideas, hard working, team work, compassion, being helpful and praising your colleagues and superiors are all well regarded.

People like to deal with an educated, experienced, professional and respectful person. Frustration might occur if the superior is an outdated person with a narrow vision.

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  8. If your staff smiles at you, likes working and cooperating with you or praise your work, it means your staff is positively viewing you. Generally, the staff you work with does not interfere with your work and does not watch you closely. People see you as a person who has come to Albania to work with Albanians and transmit your knowledge and expertise. Education, experience i. After initial impressions, it is important for an expat to show that the presence and the opinions of the local staff matter to the success of the task at hand.

    Often, it appeared that local staff did not feel comfortable openly critiquing an expat's performance.