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Guidelines for Guest Editors. Advertise With Us Kudos. Article Information. Abstract Objectives: This study aims to identify the prevalence of burnout and associated factors in Brazilian medical students. Methods: In the largest medical school from Central Brazil, the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Student Survey and a socio-demographic questionnaire were adopted in this cross-sectional study.

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Results: The evaluation of students revealed a frequency of Conclusion: The fifth period of the Medicine course and the female gender are the most affected by burnout syndrome and therefore, the preventive actions to reduce stress among medical students should be directed mainly at these higher risk categories. Keywords: Burnout, Medical students, Mental health, Occupational health, Problem-based learning, Psychological responses.

View Editorial Board. The Guest Edited Thematic Issues are published free of charge. Processing Time: Average publication time of 18 days between final acceptance of revised manuscript and its publication. Centre Antipoison-Centre de Pharmacovigilance, France.

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UCB S. Westat, USA. University of Oxford, UK. Until the s, Brazilians used to joke that they had to die before the authorities paid any attention to them. Much has changed since then. Under a subsequent health reform in , Brazil established a health system based on decentralized universal access, with municipalities providing comprehensive and free health care to each individual in need financed by the states and federal government.

Key to this strategy was primary health care. Today, primary health care remains one of the main pillars of the public health system in this country of million people. Most of the population had little or no access to health services. Family Health teams include doctors, nurses, dentists and other health workers. More than 62 people from Itaipu and 11 surrounding neighbourhoods are treated there for common complaints, such as parasitic diseases, diabetes and hypertension.

This approach has contributed to the fall in infant mortality rates. Vieira Esteves says the major challenges are to convince people that the system can work to their benefit and to persuade the authorities to devote more money to primary health care.