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However, despite becoming greatly outnumbered by Vietnamese settlers and the integration of formerly Cham territory into the Vietnamese nation, the majority of Cham people nevertheless remained in Vietnam and they are now considered one of the key minorities in modern Vietnam.

Vietnamese armies also raided the Mekong Delta, which the decaying Khmer Empire could no longer defend. He made further incursions westwards into the Irrawaddy River region in modern-day Burma before withdrawing. European traders and missionaries, reaching Vietnam in the midst of the Age of Discovery , were at first Portuguese , and started spreading Christianity since Since late 16th century, trades and contacts between Japan and Vietnam increased as they established relationship in The order was refused twice.

The country was effectively divided in two. The West 's exposure to Annam and Annamese exposure to Westerners dated back to AD [97] with the arrival of merchants from the Roman Empire , to with the visit of Marco Polo , and the early 16th century with the arrival of Portuguese in and other European traders and missionaries. Vietnamese authorities' attitudes to Europeans and Christianity hardened as they began to increasingly see it as a way of undermining society. There was even a rumor saying that Quang Trung had also planned to conquer China, although it was unclear.

During his reign, Quang Trung envisioned many reforms but died by unknown reason on the way march south in , at the age of In the South. He officially funded and trained the Pirates of the South China Coast — one of the most strongest and feared pirate army in the world late 18th century—early 19th century.

However, because of the French Revolution , Pigneaux's plan failed to materialize. Hence Gia Long implied the unification of the country. The name Vietnam is thus known to be used since Emperor Gia Long's reign. Recently historians have found that this name had existed in older books in which Vietnamese referred to their country as Vietnam. His successors were more conservative Confucians and resisted Westernization.

Joseph Marchand , was accused of encouraging local Catholics to revolt in an attempt to install a Catholic emperor. Catholics, both Vietnamese and foreign-born, were persecuted in retaliation. Trade with the West slowed during this period. These acts were soon being used as excuses for France to invade Vietnam. From to , French troops expanded their control over all six provinces on the Mekong delta and formed a colony known as Cochinchina.

France assumed control over the whole of Vietnam after the Tonkin Campaign — In the north, most movements were led by former court officers, and fighters were from the rural population. Sentiment against the invasion ran deep in the countryside--well over 90 percent of the population--because the French seized and exported most of the rice, creating widespread malnutrition from the s onward.

And, an ancient tradition existed of repelling all invaders. These were two reasons that the vast majority opposed the French invasion. He was captured in and exiled to French Algeria.

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During this period, many Catholic converts collaborated with the French. Vicar Paul Francois Puginier of Ha Noi sent regular reports to secular authorities, including information about unrest and possible uprisings. The invaders seized many farmlands and gave them to Frenchmen and collaborators, who were usually Catholics.

By , these seizures created a large class of poor people with little or no land, and a small class of wealthy landowners dependent on the French. However, lack of modern weapons and equipment prevented these resistance movements from being able to engage the French in open combat. The various anti-French started by mandarins were carried out with the primary goal of restoring the old feudal society. However, by a new generation of Vietnamese were coming of age who had never lived in precolonial Vietnam.

These young activists were as eager as their grandparents to see independence restored, but they realized that returning to the feudal order was not feasible and that modern technology and governmental systems were needed. Some of them set up Vietnamese independence societies in Japan, which many viewed as a model society i. There emerged two parallel movements of modernization. As the French suppressed both movements, and after witnessing revolutionaries in action in China and Russia, Vietnamese revolutionaries began to turn to more radical paths.

In , French agents captured him in Shanghai and spirited him to Vietnam. Later the party changed its name to the Indochinese Communist Party as the Comintern, under Stalin , did not favor nationalistic sentiments.

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Through the late s, he acted as a Comintern agent to help build Communist movements in Southeast Asia. A famine broke out in — Their initial success in staging uprisings and in seizing control of most of the country by September was partially undone, however, by the return of the French a few months later. According to a study in the Journal of Conflict Resolution covering Vietnam-China relations from to , the relations could be characterized as a "hierarchic tributary system".

Vietnamese rulers also displayed very little military attention to their relations with China. Rather, Vietnamese leaders were clearly more concerned with quelling chronic domestic instability and managing relations with kingdoms to their south and west. Communist rule was cut short, however, by nationalist Chinese and British occupation forces whose presence tended to support the Communist Party's political opponents. Stalinists purged Trotskyists. Religious sects and resistance groups formed their own militias.

The Communists eventually suppressed all non-Communist parties but failed to secure a peace deal with France. A Provisional Central Government was formed in , reuniting Annam and Tonkin, but the complete reunification of Vietnam was delayed for a year because of the problems posed by Cochinchina 's legal status. France was finally persuaded to relinquish its colonies in Indochina in when Viet Minh forces defeated the French at Dien Bien Phu.

Between and , the North Vietnamese government instituted various agrarian reforms, including "rent reduction" and "land reform", which resulted in significant political oppression. During the land reform, testimony from North Vietnamese witnesses suggested a ratio of one execution for every village residents, which extrapolated nationwide would indicate nearly , executions. Because the campaign was concentrated mainly in the Red River Delta area, a lower estimate of 50, executions became widely accepted by scholars at the time.

Along with the split between northern and southern Vietnam in geographical territory came the divergence in their distinctive choices for institutional political structure. Northern Vietnam Dai Viet opted for a centralized bureaucratic regime while the southern is based on a patron-client mechanism heavily relied on personalized rule.

During this period, due to this structural difference, the north and south revealed different patterns in their economic activities, the long-term effect of which still persist up to today. Citizens that have previously lived in the bureaucratic state are more likely to have higher household consumption and get more engaged in civic activities; the state itself tends to have the stronger fiscal capacity for taxation inherited from the previous institution. The North did not abide by the terms of the Paris Agreement , which officially settled the war by calling for free elections in the South and peaceful reunification.

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Two years after the withdrawal of the last U. The war left Vietnam devastated, with the total death toll standing at between , and 3. The government of Vietnam says that 4 million of its citizens were exposed to Agent Orange, and as many as 3 million have suffered illnesses because of it; these figures include the children of people who were exposed. In the post period, it was immediately apparent that the effectiveness of Communist Party CPV policies did not necessarily extend to the party's peacetime nation-building plans.

Having unified North and South politically, the CPV still had to integrate them socially and economically.

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In this task, CPV policy makers were confronted with the South's resistance to communist transformation, as well as traditional animosities arising from cultural and historical differences between North and South. Between and , more than 1 million northerners migrated to the south and central regions formerly under the Republic of Vietnam. Compounding economic difficulties were new military challenges.

In the late s, Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge regime started harassing and raiding Vietnamese villages at the common border. In response, as an action to support the pro-Beijing Khmer Rouge regime, China increased its pressure on Vietnam, and sent troops into Northern Vietnam in to "punish" Vietnam.

History of Vietnam

Relations between the two countries had been deteriorating for some time. Territorial disagreements along the border and in the South China Sea that had remained dormant during the Vietnam War were revived at the war's end, and a postwar campaign engineered by Hanoi against the ethnic Chinese Hoa community elicited a strong protest from Beijing. China was displeased with Vietnam's alliance with the Soviet Union. The United States, in addition to citing Vietnam's minimal cooperation in accounting for Americans who were missing in action MIAs as an obstacle to normal relations, barred normal ties as long as Vietnamese troops occupied Cambodia.

Washington also continued to enforce the trade embargo imposed on Hanoi at the conclusion of the war in The harsh postwar crackdown on remnants of capitalism in the South led to the collapse of the economy during the s. With the economy in shambles, the communist government altered its course and adopted consensus policies that bridged the divergent views of pragmatists and communist traditionalists.

His policies were characterized by political and economic experimentation that was similar to simultaneous reform agenda undertaken in the Soviet Union. Reflecting the spirit of political compromise, Vietnam phased out its re-education effort.

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The communist government stopped promoting agricultural and industrial cooperatives. Farmers were permitted to till private plots alongside state-owned land, and in the communist government passed a law encouraging the establishment of private businesses. Vietnam has become an increasingly attractive destination of economic development.

Throughout that time, Vietnam has played more significant role in the world's stage. Also, due to Vietnam's importance, many powers turn to be favoring Vietnam for their circumstances.