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By the late s, more and more couples were meeting through government matchmaking agencies, clubs and associations, singles parties and personal advertisements in magazines like Chinese Woman and Economic Life.

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These days, Western-style dating often only takes place in universities, where young people are beyond the supervision of their parents and can do what they want. Asian-style dating often involves groups of young women and young men going out together in group for a meal or for a drink, or to a karaoke.

If they go to a nightclub, men and women dance together in a group. Potential boyfriend and girlfriends break off from the group, often in a way orchestrated by other members of the group, and go for walk somewhere. It is often said — only half-jokingly — that to compete even at the lower reaches of the urban Chinese dating market men must have at least a car and a flat. The matchmaking industry has gone into overdrive, not just to cater to the rich but also because of government unease over the numbers of older single professional women.

And as a disproportionate few make fortunes, leaving tens of millions of ordinary people behind, many women see marrying a rich man as a short-cut to wealth. But of all the new freedoms the Chinese enjoy today — making money, owning a house, choosing a career — there is one that has become an unexpected burden: seeking a spouse.

This may be a time of sexual and romantic liberation in China, but the solemn task of finding a husband or wife is proving to be a vexing proposition for rich and poor alike. Sharp inequalities of wealth have created new fault lines in society, while the largest rural-to-urban migration in history has blurred many of the old ones.

As many as million rural Chinese have moved to cities in the last three decades. Uprooted and without nearby relatives to help arrange meetings with potential partners, these migrants are often lost in the swell of the big city. Demographic changes, too, are creating complications. By the end of this decade, Chinese researchers estimate, the country will have a surplus of 24 million unmarried men. In an effort to find mates for the surplus population of bachelors, the government has established matchmaking services in cooperation with women's federations, trade unions and other organizations.

As part of the arrangement women are allowed to go through all the files of male candidates while male are only allowed to go through files selected for them. An introduction is made if a couple thinks they might be compatible. Many dating services allow customers to flip through binders with photographs and descriptions of possible mates. Computer dating first appeared in Beijing in Traditional marriage brokers and government-sponsored computer dating services complain they have too few women. As of November , 40 million messages had been sent on the Momo dating service which began operating in As he talked about the kind of girl he wanted -- 24 to 28 years old and 1.

When I see someone I think my daughter may like, I approach him for his contact. In Shanghai the number of couples tying the knot in the first four months of the year fell 10 percent to 41,, according to the Shanghai Civil Affairs Bureau.

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Registrations for are forecast to fall to , pairs. Better education has given more women the desire to choose their own partner, said Juemin Zhou, director of the Shanghai Matchmaking Trade Association, the main organizer of the event. About 2, couples were successfully matched at the mass dating event, according to Zhou.

In , parents studied profiles of single men and women in dozens of matchmaking booths around the park, one decorated with pink feather boas. A typical poster read: 1. Many in the crowd are from other parts of China, a reflection of how Shanghai and other urban centers are making up for the decline in births. In early April, the committee issued new university guidelines for mental health education, including relationship issues. Aimed at preventing psychological problems from turning into tragedies, the courses are designed to address common problems such as breakups and same-sex love.

Originally intended as an optional course, it is now considered a compulsory one. Xia Cuicui, a teacher with the Psychological Consulting Center of Beijing Normal University, says around 15 percent of the students who turn to the counselors every year, seek help with relationship problems.

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Xia says the real number of troubled students could be much higher as a number of students hesitate to approach the counselors, grappling with their pain alone, with disastrous consequences in some cases. She recalls the case of an academically gifted girl who, despite a host of pursuers, chose an average boy.

She told Xia she did a lot for him, even helping him with school work, but the boy broke up with her a year later. Xia advised the girl to take setbacks in love in stride, and as a normal part of maturing. The teacher, who has been running the optional course, Intimate Relationship and Self-growth, for four years, believes guiding people through relationships is crucial to building their positive self-image. Wang believes the emotional problems faced by today's youngsters have to be seen in the larger context of a society in transition, pointing to changing attitudes in the choice of a spouse in recent decades.

The overriding emphasis is on the position one occupies in society and the wealth one possesses. The way out is to define "a set of up-to-date values for the 21st century", she adds. At one such forum held on April 16, writer Cui Manli, speaking to some CNU students, said they should not assess themselves based on others' value systems.

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A random survey of 92 post-graduate students conducted that day showed that He says the ultimate goal is to teach young adults about how to establish and maintain healthy personal relationships with everyone, and not just between lovers. The Peking University student Xiao Wei, one of Li's students, hopes the proposed course will help strengthen traditional values. On the Internet there is a Chinese website for asexual singles.

About 60 percent of the members are people who can not have sex. Most of the rest are gay people in search of opposite sex partners so they can put up a good front for family members. There is also a site for MBAsmarried but available. A popular site for elderly singles is the Mandarin Duck Garden. Rachel Dewoskin, Foreign Babes author One of the most popular television shows in China is a matchmaking program called We Meet Tonight , which is sort of a cross between the Dating Game and a talent show.

And they are bold because they have to be. Viewers are encouraged to write in for a date with contestants. Sometime many more.

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Our record holder is a year-old woman who got more than letters. Since , Luzhou began to build the China Liquor Golden Triangle Wine Industry Park, inviting in qualified upstream and downstream enterprises related to the liquor industry.

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The industrial cluster enjoys joint and standardized improvements in sorghum planting, wine brewing, wine storage, packaging, supply and logistics distribution. Meanwhile, by providing infrastructure and supporting services such as sewage-processing plants and national-standard quality supervision center at the industry park, it also helps guarantee that the whole chain is eco-friendly. Baijiu, the most famous kind of liquor and spirits in China, rules almost every festive occasion in China, where it's the tipple of choice for everything from wedding receptions to business banquets.

Many ancient Chinese poets such as Li Bai and Du Fu also had their legendary life and all-time popular works associated with drinking baijiu. They are also listed as national intangible cultural heritage. Luzhou Laojiao is one of the oldest producers in the triangle region, whose biggest attraction is its legendary liquor cellars, which dates back to the year of Using techniques and even brewing pits that originated in the Ming AD and Qing AD dynasties, the brand continues to make baijiu the same way 23 generations later.

By , the city of Luzhou has 1, century-old brewing cellars, 16 baijiu workshops which date back to the Ming and Qing dynasties, and 3 natural wine caves, making the city a special tourism destination for wine culture experience.

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Although it is the most widely drunk hard liquor in the world, baijiu takes up less than 10 percent of the global market and is rarely found on cocktail menus along with other spirit. In an effort to attract a wider range of consumers, especially in the overseas market, Chinese wine makers are introducing new technology and creativities products besides carrying on the ancient tradition of wine brewing. In Yibin, the home city of Wuliangye, an academy has been set up to train talents for the industry, while in Luzhou Laojiao, wine taste masters like Zeng Na are developing spirit and fruit juice mixed cocktails to cater the lighter taste of beginners.

In recent years, Luzhou Laojiao has been dedicated to rejuvenating the fine traditional Chinese culture and promoting the spread of traditional culture on a global scale. In , Luzhou Laojiao launched a series of global charity events such as Guojiao "Let the World Feel the Taste of China" and an international poetry culture conference, and actively participated in the national events to promote the outstanding Chinese traditional culture on the world stage.