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Refugees receive monetary assistance for living expenses and language training and are registered in the national health-care system. However, according to Amnesty International, asylum seekers and recognized refugees continued to face difficulties finding jobs and obtaining health care due in part to poor integration program conditions. Persons with temporary status also had the right to work, received social assistance, and participated in the government's integration programs. There were occasional reports of problems in the country's 19 refugee detention centers, which were located in the Warsaw, Bialystok, and Lublin areas and had a capacity of 4, persons.

Refugees experienced language and cultural barriers; they had limited access to higher education. There was discrimination against refugee children by their peers. The government provided temporary protection to individuals who may not qualify as refugees, and it provided temporary protection to 2, persons during the year, compared with 1, persons in Section 3 Respect for Political Rights: The Right of Citizens to Change Their Government The law provides citizens the right to change their government peacefully, and citizens exercised this right in practice through periodic, free, and fair elections based on universal suffrage.

Elections and Political Participation Both the October preterm parliamentary elections and the presidential election were considered free and fair. Multiple candidates from various political parties freely declared their candidacy to stand for election and had access to the media.

OSCE election observers noted a lack of independent oversight of public broadcast media, which allowed for an imbalance in coverage of candidates. On June 7, the country held elections to the European Parliament that observers considered to be free and fair. Eleven of the 50 national members elected were women.

There were 94 women in the seat Sejm and eight women in the seat Senat. There were five women in the member Council of Ministers. An additional 24 women held ministerial-level positions. There was one minority member in the Sejm representing the German minority in Silesia and no minorities in the upper house. There were no minorities in the cabinet. The law exempts ethnic minority parties from the requirement to win 5 percent of the vote nationwide to qualify for seats in individual districts. Section 4 Official Corruption and Government Transparency The law provides criminal penalties for official corruption; however, the government did not always implement these laws effectively, and officials sometimes engaged in corrupt practices.

According to World Bank governance indicators for , corruption was a problem in the country. There was a widespread public perception of corruption throughout the government. Citizens continued to believe that political parties and members of the legislative branch, the health care system, and the judiciary were the most corrupt. On March 11, the Dziennik newspaper alleged that Deputy Prime Minister and Economy Minister Waldemar Pawlak had engaged in a conflict of interest for failing to resign as head of the Volunteer Fire Brigade and for steering contracts to friends and family without a competitive bid process.

Pawlak denied any wrongdoing; he noted the independent Supreme Chamber of Audits cleared the contracts in question during an audit.

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  6. On March 17, Prime Minister Tusk expelled Senator Tomasz Misiak from the Civic Platform party in response to allegations that Misiak's private company profited from the passage of a new law dealing with the country's shipyards. Misiak chaired the committee that passed the legislation. On September 8, the Internal Security Agency arrested Sylwester Rypinski, the president of the state-owned Social Insurance Agency, and three other employees on corruption charges. If convicted Rypinski would face up to 10 years' imprisonment. On October 1, the national daily Rzeczpospolita published phone transcripts of conversations between high-level politicians and businessmen who were allegedly lobbying for a revision of a draft law on gambling.

    The publication led to a major government reshuffling in which six minister-level officials resigned, including sports minister, Miroslaw Drzewiecki. The chairman of the ruling party's parliamentary caucus, Zbigniew Chlebowski, also resigned. On November 5, the Sejm established a special committee to investigate alleged corruption in connection with the so-called "gamble-gate" scandal.

    The CBA has broad powers to audit the financial holdings of public officials and to fight corruption in public procurement. It also is authorized to conduct searches and secret videotaping, wiretap telephone conversations, and make arrests. During the year the CBA continued to examine numerous high-profile and controversial investigations begun earlier. For example, on April 1, the Poznan District Court began the trial of billionaire Henryk Stoklosa on 21 charges in connection with a major finance ministry corruption case. Three ministry officials were arrested in as part of the CBA investigation.

    According to the prosecutor, the officials canceled fiscal liabilities and issued tax exemptions over a year period in exchange for bribes from organized criminals and businessmen. Stoklosa was also charged with bribing a Poznan judge. He has been held in pretrial detention since and could face up to 10 years' imprisonment.

    On October 5, the Warsaw District Court began the trial of Beata Sawicka, a former member of parliament and the mayor of Hel, on corruption charges related to a real estate scandal. The CBA accused Sawicka of corruption for accepting a bribe to influence a public tender in Hel in the run up to the parliamentary elections.

    In her defense Sawicka said she was seduced and manipulated into accepting the bribe by a CBA officer. In a related development, in October a Warsaw court ordered the prosecution to investigate the CBA's involvement in the case. On August 18, the Warsaw Circuit Court sentenced one person to 30 months' imprisonment for attempting to bribe former agricultural minister and deputy prime minister Andrzej Lepper. A second person in the case was fined. Lepper was subsequently dismissed as minister. The law provides for public access to government information; in practice the government generally provided access to citizens and noncitizens, including foreign media.

    Government refusals of requests for information must be based on exceptions provided in the law related to government secrets, personal privacy restrictions, and proprietary business data. Refusals may be appealed. Section 5 Governmental Attitude Regarding International and Nongovernmental Investigation of Alleged Violations of Human Rights A number of domestic and international human rights groups generally operated without government restriction, investigating and publishing their findings on human rights cases.

    Government officials were cooperative and responsive to their views. During the year, UN Special Rapporteurs on Health Issues and Trafficking in Persons visited the country and reported their initial findings see section 6. The country's human rights ombudsman presents an annual report to the Sejm on the state of human rights and civic freedom in the country. The ombudsman generally had adequate resources, although in the office requested more funding to deal with increased responsibilities.

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    The ombudsman enjoyed the government's cooperation and was considered effective. During the first nine months of the year, the human rights ombudsman reported that 49, cases were filed with the office, an increase of 2, from the same period in The office of the ombudsman is independent; however, the ombudsman is selected by the parliament and, at times, was criticized by the media for being influenced by party politics. Women and minority groups criticized the incumbent for making controversial statements about feminists.

    Both chambers of parliament have committees on human rights and the rule of law. The committees serve a primarily legislative function and comprise representatives from multiple political parties. Section 6 Discrimination, Societal Abuses, and Trafficking in Persons The law prohibits discrimination based on race, gender, disability, language, or social status, and the government generally enforced these prohibitions. Women Rape, including spousal rape, is illegal and punishable by up to 12 years in prison. According to National Police statistics, during the first six months of the year, there were reported cases of rape, compared with during the same period in However, NGOs estimated that the actual number of rapes was much higher because women often were unwilling to report rape due to social stigma.

    During the same period, police forwarded rape cases to prosecutors and 67 to family court for underage offenders for indictment. Domestic violence against women continued to be a serious problem. The number of reported cases was attributed to heightened police awareness, particularly in urban areas, as a result of media campaigns and NGO efforts. Under the law a person convicted of domestic violence may be sentenced to a maximum of five years in prison; however, most convictions resulted in suspended sentences.

    The law provides for restraining orders on spouses to protect against abuse, but police do not have the authority to issue immediate restraining orders at the scene. During the first six months of the year, police identified 10, domestic violence offenses compared with 10, during the same period in Of the cases identified thus far, 9, were forwarded for prosecution. In police reported that officers conducted 86, interventions related to domestic violence.

    According to the justice ministry, in there were 15, domestic violence convictions. At year's end according to prison authorities, 4, individuals were serving prison sentences for domestic violence crimes.

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    Women's organizations believed the number of women affected by domestic abuse was underreported, particularly in small towns and villages. The NGO Women's Rights Center reported that police were occasionally reluctant to intervene in domestic violence incidents if the perpetrator was a member of the police or if victims were unwilling to cooperate.


    NGO-operated centers for domestic violence victims provided counseling for offenders and training for personnel who worked with victims. The government also provided victims and families with legal and psychological assistance and operated crisis centers and 16 shelters for pregnant women and mothers with small children. In addition, local governments operated 36 specialized centers funded by the central government for victims of domestic violence.

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    The centers provided social, medical, psychological, and legal assistance to victims and "corrective educational" programs for abusers. In , the last year for which statistics were available, the government allocated approximately The government also spent 3. In the total amount allocated to implement the National Program for Combating Domestic Violence was On April 16, the newly formed Council for Victims of Crime held its first meeting.

    The council was established as an advisory body on proposed policy changes and legislative initiatives to support victims. Prostitution is legal, but pimping, forced prostitution, and prostitution of minors are prohibited. According to police there were an estimated 3, prostitutes in the country; however, NGOs estimated that there were 18, to 20, women involved in all aspects of the sex industry.

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    Women were trafficked for commercial sexual exploitation.