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As displayed in Table 5 , the earlier mentioned values i. Thus, the results show that the conceptual model has internal consistency and good convergent validity. Also, according to the Gefen and Straub [ 97 ], discriminant validity concludes about the measures whether constructs of the conceptual model are different from each other.

Discriminant validity was examined by analyzing the association between correlation among variables and square roots of the AVE of the variables [ 98 ]. As per Hair et al. In our case, convergent validity is higher than the minimum threshold. Moreover, the correlation values are presented in Table 7. Moreover, cross loadings of all constructs are shown in Table 8. The extant literature proposed that there is a probability of happening of common method variance CMV when research data were self-reported and acquired from the same scale at the same time.

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CMV can influence the results of social science; therefore, it is essential to address the problem that might be raised as an issue and the threat to the validity of the results. Past research suggests various techniques to measure the CMV in a data file. According to this technique, CMV has no problem to be used in this research as the first-factor value is less than fifty percent. In our data set, the value of the first factor is The proposed hypotheses of the conceptual framework were all measured in the second step by using the AMOS.

Thus, it consecutively supports the goodness of fit obtained for the structural model [ 96 ]. Thus, H1, H1a, and H1b are supported. So, H2, H2a, and H2b are supported as shown in Figure 2.


Additionally, the three control variables gender, age, and education were insignificantly associated with app intension to use, as shown in Table 9. The present study first evidenced through empirical examination and validated that self-image congruence is a key antecedent of mobile app intention to use. To date, the extant literature has been centered on the functional factors related to the mobile app intention to use [ 64 , 99 ]. The primary objective of this research is to extend the role of self-image in measuring the mobile app intention to use in the digital environment based on the self-congruity theory from the context of the social self-concept.

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The findings reveal that self-image and functional congruence were found to influence the mobile intention to use as proposed by the conceptual framework. Simply, it means that in the digital environment, self-congruity from symbolic congruence plays a significant role in using the mobile app, and online users along with the functional feature are also concerned about the symbolic meaning of the mobile app. In addition, there are two main effects that influence the mobile intention to use.

One is that users can consider the functional attributes of the mobile app and decide to download or create a profile on it [ 3 ]. The other is that online users see the symbolic meaning of a particular app. Furthermore, these research findings are quite unique and first found that symbolic congruence has equal weight like functional congruence.

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Based on the self-congruence theory, the present theoretical framework divided independent constructs into two: self-image congruence and functional congruence. The findings of our research reveal that self-image congruence has a significant influence on the app intention to use, and the path coefficient of the actual self-concept has a significant high value as compared with other determinants with app adoption. It means that image congruence is equally important to accept new technology. In the online environment, users are much careful while downloading the app recommended by peers or from the app store and also concerned about image congruence in addition to functional congruence.

The extant literature on technology acceptance and app adoption has primarily concentrated on utilitarian attributes models such as TAM and UTAUT2 [ 21 , 64 , 73 ]. McLean [ ] claimed that an abrupt increase in the global adoption of smartphones directly influenced app engagement and considered it an important marketing tool for organizations and has a positive effect on firm performance, brand loyalty, and customer loyalty. The study found that functional congruence such as PU and PEOU positively related to the app intention to use the results that are aligning with the extant literature.

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Besides, self-image congruence impact on app adoption is highly significant than functional congruence. Furthermore, the result of hypotheses H1a and H1b shows the significant influence of actual and ideal self-concept on the mobile app intention to use. When the user is perceived high congruence of actual and ideal self-concept with the mobile app, online users are more probable to use the particular app.

Additionally, self-image congruity from actual and ideal self-concept drives a user to adopt the specific app in the online environment context, and this intention to use was made after full deliberations of impression management and social identity. Moreover, the findings enlighten which type of congruence is more important for mobile app intention to use. Our result shows that both facets of the self-congruity theory have a significant effect on app intention to use.

Consistent with past studies results, the result display that the actual self is a significant predictor of app intention to use. Past research suggests that self-congruence is used to predict consumer behavior. Sirgy et al. In an online environment, the use of a particular app reflects the personality and individual behavior.

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For instance, they are using a particular app dating or gaming app to reflect what type of personality they have [ 74 ]. Online use of particular app delivers as a vehicle of self-expression, and users select apps that emotionally align with their self-concept. The online presence on social apps and continuous usage allow users to express, maintain, and improve their self-concept. Therefore, self-image congruence has a key determinant that may affect app adoption.

Self-Image Congruence, Functional Congruence, and Mobile App Intention to Use

It is because that usage of particular app expresses user social identity. According to the media practice model, users select the app congruent with their self-identity. For example, users who were low in dating anxiety, non-heterosexual, and held more sexually open-minded had a more tendency to use dating app [ 74 ]. Moreover, the current study found that functional congruence i. The finding reveals that the TAM model was capable of illustrating the app intention to use the framework, such as online studies like e-commerce, banking, and education [ 3 , 4 , 67 ]. The app design is a combination of technical or functional factors which are important.

While the adoption of the users of the app is less concerned about the complex functional factors, they prefer the app that is easy to use. Therefore, these research findings are consistent with the past literature that PU and PEOU have a direct influence on the app intention to use. In conclusion, self-image congruence was found to be a stronger determinant of mobile attention to use.

This finding reveals that when online users are willing to download or to think about using the particular app, they will be considered their actual and ideal self-concept; the findings corroborate with the past literature [ 8 ]. However, the extant literature in the self-image congruence has investigated brand choice, preference, and loyalty. With the best of our knowledge, this is the first to examine the influence of self-image congruence on the mobile app intention to use.

On the other hand, this study through a systematic review of the mobile adoption antecedents confirms that in the past literature, it has been extensively examined the role of functional features in mobile app intention to use or continuance use in the IS see in Tables 2 and 3. Therefore, based on the self-congruity theory, it extends the existing literature and found a significant role in self-image congruence in predicting the mobile app intention to use.

This direct influence of self-image congruence on the mobile intention to use equals the predictive power of functional congruence on the mobile intention to use.

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Moreover, our research findings also extend the TAM model which hypothesized that technological or functional factors influenced mobile adoption behavior. Drawing on the self-congruence theory, this study primarily aims to examine the influence of self-image congruence and functional congruence on the mobile app intention to use. On account of a large number of studies in the IS context that only examined the functional or technological factors responsible for mobile App adoption, the reason behind was found that, in the start, only limited users accessed these specific apps.

The abrupt increase in mobile apps due to the web 2. However, with increasing competition, mobile apps are facing severe issues. For instance, Chen et al. Tables 2 and 3 reveal that scholars extensively studied the technology factors and overlooked the symbolic congruence in mobile adoption.

With the best of our knowledge, no single study except [ 8 ] examined the role of ideal and actual self-concept on mobile adoption. Thus, to measure the empirical validation of the self-image congruence on mobile app intention to use, data were collected from Chinese smartphone users through the survey-based approach.

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  4. The findings show that self-image congruence is positively significantly related to mobile app intention to use.