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Public Administration Moshe Mizrahi The relationship between PhD 1. Book Chapter in the effectiveness of Vigoda-Gadot, E. A field experiment design Co-supervision with Prof. Marcelo Svirski Ethics and morality in third Post Doc - sector organizations 5. BOOKS 1. Vigoda, E. Vigoda-Gadot, E. Cheltenham; Edward Elgar.

Elska, Issue 14 – Haifa, Israel

Westport, CT: Praeger. Cheltenham, UK; Edward Elgar. Levi-Faur, D. Handbook of Organizational Politics. Paperback Edition 7. Farnham, UK: Ashgate. Brichta, A, Vigoda-Gadot, E. Berlin, GE; Springer Publishing. Raadschelders, J. Towards New Frontiers. Bridging performance and democratic values in the public sector Part A.

Special issue of the International Journal of Public Administration, 26, 8. Bridging performance and democratic values in the public sector Part B. Special issue of the International Journal of Public Administration, 26, 9. Policy Learning and Management in a Global World. Special issue of the International Journal of Public Administration, 29, 4, 5, 6 pp. Mayne, Q. Books reviewed in the following: 1. Painter, C. Public Administration, 81, 4, Thompson, N. The British Journal of Social Work, 34, 5, Donahue A. Local Government Studies, 32, 2, Bullock, J.

Human Resource Management International Digest, 15, 7. Kaifeng, Y. Public Management Review, 9, 4, Hood, C. Public Administration Review, 68, 3, Ferraro, A. International Public Management Journal, 12, 4, Peters, B. Organizational politics and employee performances: A review and theoretical model. Journal of Management Systems, 10, 3, Cohen, A. The growth value of good citizenship: An examination of the relationship between civic behavior and involvement in the job. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 47, An empirical assessment of the relationship between general citizenship and work outcomes, Public Administration Quarterly, 21, 4, Good organizational citizenship: Characteristics and predictors of good citizenship behavior in the workplace.

Megamot — Behavioral Sciences Quarterly, 39, 4, , Hebrew. Citizenship behavior in the state, community, and workplace: A research among Israeli public personnel. Politika, 3, , Hebrew. Politics and the workplace: An empirical examination of the relationship between political behavior and work outcomes. Public Productivity and Management Review, 22, 3, Organizational politics, job attitudes, and work outcomes: Exploration and implications for the public sector.

Here's why Apple is getting more involved in Israel

Journal of Vocational Behavior, 57, Do good citizens make good organizational citizens? An empirical examination of the relationship between general citizenship and organizational citizenship behavior in Israel. Administration and Society, 32, 5, Are you being served? Public Administration, 78, 1, Internal politics in public administration systems: An empirical examination of its relationship with job congruence, organizational citizenship behavior and in-role performances. Public Personnel Management, 29, 2, Analysis of the mediating effect of personal- psychological variables on the relationship between Socio-Economic Status SES and political participation: A structural equation framework.

Political Psychology, 22, 4, Citizenship behavior and the spirit of new managerialism: A theoretical framework and challenge for governance. American Review of Public Administration, 31, 3, Performance in the third sector: A micro-level theory and some lessons from Israel. International Journal of Public Administration, 24, 12 Reactions to organizational politics: A cross-cultural examination in Israel and Britain. Human Relations, 54, Influence tactics and perceptions of organizational politics: A longitudinal study.

Journal of Business Research, 55, 4, Stress-related aftermaths to workplace politics: The relationship among politics, job distress, and aggressive behavior in organizations. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 23, Reprinted in Samuel, Y. Administrative agents of democracy? Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 12, 2, Reprinted in: Roberts, N. The Age of Direct Citizen Participation.

New York; M. Golembiewski, R. Cacophonies in the contemporary chorus about change at the public worksites, as contrasted with some straight-talk from a planned change perspective. International Journal of Public Administration, 25, 1, From responsiveness to collaboration: Governance, citizens, and the next generation of public administration.

Public Administration Review, 62, 5, Lead Article. Performance and democracy in the public sector: Exploring some missing links in the study of administration and society Part A. International Journal of Public Administration, 26, 8, Performance and democracy in the public sector: Exploring some missing links in the study of administration and society Part B. International Journal of Public Administration, 26, 9, Rethinking the identity of public administration: Interdisciplinary reflections and thoughts on managerial reconstruction.

Public Administration and Management Journal, 8, 1, Work congruence and excellence in human resource management: Empirical evidence from the Israeli non-profit sector.

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The Review of Public Personnel Administration, 23, 3, Managerial quality, administrative performance, and trust in governance: Can we point to causality? Australian Journal of Public Administration, 62, 3, Managerial quality, administrative performance, and trust in governance revisited: A follow-up study of causality. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 16, 7, The relationship between organizational image and intentions not to pursue IDF career in favor of Hi-Tech career. Megamot- Behavioral Science Quarterly, 43, Hebrew.

Politics and Image in the organizational landscape: An empirical examination among public sector employees. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 18, 8, Baruch, Y. Pro-social behavior and job performance: Do need for control and need for achievement make a difference?

Social Behavior and Personality, 32, 4, The state of bureaucracy: Public opinion about the performance of government agencies in Israel and the role of socioeconomic and demographic variables. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 16, 1, Public Personnel Management, 33, 2, Collaborative Public Administration: Some lessons from the Israeli experience. Managerial Auditing Journal, 19, 6, The case for collaboration: A road map based on the Carmelite project in Israel and some lessons for revitalizing democracies.

Public Administration and Management Journal, 9, 1, A national assessment project of public administration: Theoretical framework and preliminary findings from Israel. Public Administration Quarterly, 28, 4, Perceptions of politics and perceived performance in public and private organizations: A test of one model across two sectors. Public sector innovation for the managerial and the post-managerial era: Promises and realities in a globalizing public administration.

International Public Management Journal, 8, 1, New public policy, new policy transfers: some characteristics of a new order in the making, International Journal of Public Administration, 29, 4,5,6 , Reprinted in Parsons, L. Non Profit Marketing. Vol 1. Compulsory citizenship behavior in organizations: theorizing some dark sides of the good soldier syndrome.

Journal for the Theory of Social Behavior, 36, 1, Redrawing the boundaries of OCB? An empirical examination of compulsory extra-role behavior in the workplace. Journal of Business and Psychology, 21, 3, Elron, E. Influence and political processes in cyberspace: The case of global virtual teams. International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management, 6, 3, Leadership style, organizational politics, and employees' performance: An empirical examination of two competing models.

Personnel Review, 36, 5, Lead Article Citizens' perceptions of organizational politics and ethics in public administration: A five-year study of their relationship to satisfaction with services, trust in governance, and voice orientations. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 17, Public administration — the next generation: Administrative transformations and challenges towards the establishment of a modern public sector.

Hamerhav Htziburi, 1, Hebrew. Goal setting theory, job feedback, and OCB: Lessons from a longitudinal study. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 29, 2, Reviewed by Soriano, D. The Academy of Management Perspectives, 22, 1, 65 Group-level organizational citizenship behavior in the education system: A scale reconstruction and validation. Educational Administration Quarterly, 43, 4, Public sector management and the democratic ethos: A 5-year study of key relationships in Israel. New Public Management Values and Person Organization Fit: A socio-psychological approach and empirical examination among public sector personnel.

Public Administration, 86, 1, Public sector innovation for Europe: A multinational eight-country exploration of citizens' perspectives. Public Administration, 86, 2, Values and career choice at the beginning of MBA educational process. Career Development International, 13, 4, Internal politics in the academia: Theoretical and empirical analysis of its relationship with social capital and job performance. International Journal of Psychology, 43, , Mizrahi, S. Citizens' learning, involvement, and participation in decision- making under the democratic ethos: A theoretical framework and the Israeli experience.

International Journal of Public Administration, 32, Mizrahi, N. Public Management Review, 12, Emotions in management and the management of emotions: The impact of emotional intelligence and organizational politics on public sector employees. Public Administration Review, 70, Drory, A. Organizational politics and human resource management: A typology and the Israeli experience. Human Resource Management Review, 20, 3, Bridging bureaucracy and democracy in Europe: A comparative study of perceived managerial excellence, citizens' satisfaction, and trust in governance.

European Union Politics, 11, 2, Organizational politics and job outcomes: The moderating effect of trust and social support. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 40, 11, Career transitions: An empirical examination of second career of military retirees. Public Personnel Management, 39, Public Performance and Management Review, 34, 2, Bohem, A. Market orientation in social services: An empirical study of motivating and hindering factors among Israeli social workers. Administration in Social Work, 35, 2, Internal politics in academia: Theoretical and empirical analysis of its relationship with social capital and job performance.

International Journal of Organizational Theory and Behavior, 14, 1, Testing an organizational innovativeness integrative model across cultures.

Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 29, Grimland, S, Vigoda-Gadot, E. Career attitudes and success of managers: The impact of chance event, protean and traditional careers. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23, 6, Gottlieb, D. Analyzing the ecological footprint at the institutional scale: The case of an Israeli high-school ecological Indicators.

Ecological Indicators, 18, Change-oriented citizenship behavior in public administration: The power of leadership and the cost of politics.

Public Organization Review, 12, Freeman, S. Public attitudes toward marine aquaculture: A comparative analysis of Germany and Israel. Environmental Science and Policy, 22, Vashdi, D. Multiple-climates, politics, and performance in the public sector. A two-level model and empirical examination.

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The Ecological Footprint as an educational tool for sustainability: A case study analysis in an Israeli high school. International Journal of Educational Development, 32, 1, — Hefetz, A. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 30, 4, Beeri, I. Journal of Business Ethics, , Public and reform in the age of new public management: An empirical examination of image, satisfaction, and attitudes towards reform.

Politika, 21, American Review of Public Administration, 43, 5, Encouraging ecological behaviors among students by using the Ecological Footprint as an educational tool: A quasi-experimental design in a public school in the city of Haifa. Environmental Education Research, 19, 6, Meisler, G. Perceived organizational politics, emotional intelligence and work outcomes: Empirical exploration of direct and indirect effects.

Personnel Review, 43, 1, Professional vitality and career success: mediation, age and outcomes. European Management Journal, 32, International Public Management Journal, 17, 3, Professional management and local government service delivery: Strategic decisions across alternative markets. Public Performance and Management Review, 38, 1, Ruvio, A. Organizational innovativeness: Construct development and cross-cultural validation.

Journal of Product Innovation Management, 31, 5, Arguments from the Israeli Experience. Policy Studies, 35, 5, Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, 9, Zeedan, R. Causes of and solutions for? Eldor, L. Gal-Arieli, N. Megamot- Behavioral Sciences Quarterly Hebrew , 52, 2, Local Government Studies, 43, Kisner, M.

The provenance of public management and its future: Is public management here to stay?