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Sign-up for this event at meetup. Date: at Location: Charlottesville, United States. While the SoDS18 is open to all programming languages and endeavors related to becoming a better data scientist, we wanted to host a space within our Cville R-Ladies community to ask questions, provide support, and work together on group projects! Of course, there will also be snacks. We're back from the fantastic useR! This month we are excited to present:. Date: at Location: Johannesburg , South Africa. Please bring a laptop with and try your hand at the problem before the session.

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We will have an interactive session. Predictive Maintenance spielt im Zeitalter der zunehmend vernetzten Maschinen eine immer wichtigere Rolle. Deshalb legen wir in diesem Meetup den Schwerpunkt auf das Thema.

Es necesario traer laptop con R y RStudio instalado, y los siguientes paquetes instalados: ggplot2, GGally, ggsci, ggfortify install. First, new insights into the blog posts and their success is gained using metadata. Therefore, diverse methods and R-packages are used such as H2O automatic machine learning, lime, clustering and basic explorative statistics. A growing number of institutions and companies have moved to a data-driven approach to face increasingly complex research questions.

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An investigation of social change mechanisms has become particularly important for policy making, and data science provides a great opportunity to Social Good Organizations to work out successful strategies and achieve their goals. But who will bring together Social Good Organizations and data scientists?

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She will also present the basic principles of Deep Learning that will be applied to the project. Josh Goldberg, a member of the ASG will present on a topic in data science that is often overlooked or does not get much coverage but is required to move any project forward: data exploration. He will also talk about the progress of the analysis, and what he envisions for the ASG to achieve in this project. Vince will walk us through an example demonstrating MNIST numeral recognition and discuss the environment needed to run neural networks on a workstation or in the cloud.

He uses R mostly as a hobby, but has been known to use R in job-related data analysis. He can be found online at vkegel, www. Welcome to our August Meetup! This month we are focusing our talks on people who are new to R or are looking to find ways to break in! My goal is that the talks will be informative to everyone but the focus will be on getting started with R. The schedule is as follows:. Knowing how to simulate data in R has been incredibly useful to me in my day-to-day work.

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Simulating data is useful not only for exploring the long-run behavior of a statistic but also allows you to make small datasets for working out hard data manipulation tasks or for testing your intuition about a mathematical relationship or statistical model. But how does a person get started with simulations?

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In this talk I will go over some of the functions R has available to help with simulating data. I'll discuss functions for random number generation, replicating elements of a vector, and repeated data generation. We'll go in depth on how to use these functions and then practice creating datasets of different shapes and sizes.

Candidate in Data Science at Chapman University. The talk will describe part of Yemi's doctoral work on building a statistical and predictive model to classify driver-passenger mutations. A Logit model is used with fold cross-validation. The data was preprocessed to impute missing values using the rule-of-thumb approach, removal of redundant features and feature scaling.

Julia Hellen F. Agatha R. Agda C. Alex T. Alexia L. Luciane A. Bianca Dos Santos L. Bianca T. Photos R-Ladies G. Members Marlon M. Julia H. Julio T. Marly Pinto de M. Ingrid A. Yasmin Bravo J. Davy William Hidalgo C. Carol G.