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I have found the Iranians in Germany to be friendly and much better educated on average than the locals. From reading your long post, I can relate to some of the frustrations of being turned down or getting no responses. But let me be frank. It all comes down to your attitude. If you try this hard to meet someone, chances are you come off as a bit desperate and I think girls can see it.

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I am not judging you at all, I was quite the same. If you ask me, what you need to do is live your life. Have a social life. Go to meet ups in general. Not just dating ones. Meet people in your area. Join clubs. Do you have a hobby? I am pretty sure there are other people who share that interest. There are tons of "Vereins" in Germany. Just find one that fits your needs and go to their events.

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More likely, you will meet someone when you are not expecting it. Attending the german speaking events is also a great way to improve your german skills. I don't think it's very expensive to join.

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Blimey, things have changed since my day. Just go somewhere and do what you normally enjoy doing. Don't bother with "dating".

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You might even meet someone you like doing the same sort of thing. If not, don't worry, at least you'll have had a night out. OP just needs to get out and do things but he seems to think he can't do this by himself. I also work from home but I go to the gym first thing in the morning, to a cafe at lunchtime for a cup of coffee and go out to a bar a couple of nights a week.

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In all 3 places you end up seeing the same people over and over again so say, "hello" and over time a conversation starts. In all 3 places I have met women that I have had relationships with even though I didn't go to these places with the intention of meeting someone and maybe that is the problem here?

A lot of German people speak very good English and if they want to have a conversation they will even though it may be a bit stunted to start with. Twenty years ago an English friend of mine ended up in a relationship with a Polish woman who couldn't speak much English. They ended up carrying around a Polish-English pocket dictionary and using it when they couldn't explain things to each other and managed to get by. OP - it sounds like you are trying too hard and probably getting frustrated and having confidence issues when you don't meet someone each time you try.

Just relax and get out and do things and eventually you will meet someone. Normally when people try too hard they come across as desperate and this can frighten people off. Maybe a bit of information in general: Germany has no formalized "dating culture" as e. So I would second what has already been said a few times: Go out, do something you like or find a new hobby, enjoy life. Do something for you! What do you like? Book club?

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Maybe you won't meet the love of your life right away. But you sound like you could also do with some good friends. Working from home can be very lonely and I know I would crave to have people to share my thoughts with. Just bear in mind that Germans might need a bit longer to warm up and Berlin is full of transients who don't stay for very long.

But they might have other friends who do What about visiting a dancing school? And for good reason. I have to think of a friend of my late wife who got married to an Iranian who mutated from a nice guy to a patriarch expecting her to look after his extended family once they moved to his home country of Iran. She was trapped there needing e. So what to do in the meantime, consider working on yourself. What are positive attributes you can bring to a relationship. Posted 28 Jun I took one here and everyone spoke English. I wasn't looking to hook up but I did meet an English girl and became good friends with her and her husband.

You don't even need to pay if it is not a full class. Just show up the first day and if there are no prospects, head for another class. If it looks good tell the teacher you had problems with the website and will sign up right away. Become an English teacher. I got quite a few offers in that p osition and am really not very attractive. You're standing u p there in front of them so they have to kee p looking at you, you're in charge which looks quite sexy In the days before OLD I also got chatted u p in the pub, on the train Just start one in English and you'll soon find out if theirs is good enough.

And write an ad on ebay Kleinanzeigen an d other local Kleinanzeigen websites. Here in Dresden there's a local events magazine which has a website, maybe you have something like that? In any case, with an ad you can just write one and kee p putting it up again and again.

I got quite a few offers in that p osition. I had actually joined a club the previous year - learning to fly sailplanes I'd been an aeromodeller back in the UK. Through that I learnt some conversational German but my hopes of meeting someone through the club did not materialise. It still took 4 years to get her to the Standesamt. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Sign up for a new account in our community. It's easy! Life in Germany.

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