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Effects of meteorological factors on human leptospirosis in Colombia Authors J. Heat stress and poultry production: impact and amelioration Authors first, second and last of 6 G. Vandana V. Sejian Shane K. Potential benefits of promoting snowmelt by artificial snow blacking on the growth of winter wheat and their dependence upon regional climate Authors Seiji Shimoda Takahiro Hamasaki Content type: Original Paper Published: 01 October Perspectives on biometeorological research on the African continent Authors Jennifer M. Warm nights drive Coffea arabica ripening in Tanzania Authors first, second and last of 5 A.

Craparo P. Van Asten S. Does global warming decrease the correlation between cherry blossom flowering date and latitude in Japan? Authors Shin Nagai Taku M. Effects of repeated thermal manipulation of broiler embryos on hatchability, chick quality, and post-hatch performance Authors Tahere Amjadian Mohammad Hossein Shahir Content type: Original Paper Published: 04 September Comparison of chilling and heat requirements for leaf unfolding in deciduous woody species in temperate and subtropical China Authors first, second and last of 5 Yunjia Xu Junhu Dai Zexing Tao Content type: Special Issue: Phenology Published: 02 September Influence of hydrometeorological indices on electrolytes and trace elements homeostasis in patients with ischemic heart disease Authors first, second and last of 9 L.

Babayan H. Hayrapetyan Ts. Simon Wang Paul G. Human thermal sensation over a mountainous area, revealed by the application of ANNs: the case of Ainos Mt. This was to ensure that all important stakeholders had a voice in the CCM process, and shows that networking was already taking place at this time. This process has significance beyond the HIV field: these were the first independent national elections of any kind in China organised by non-members of the Communist Party.

Many women and men made the unwelcome choice to move away from their homes and families for the anonymity and access to treatment of major cities. For those who were unable or unwilling to do this, their immediate need was to find someone — anyone — to talk to who would understand and offer support C At first, communication took place by long-distance telephone.

The spread of the Internet, however, offered new possibilities for connection through instant message boards and chat rooms. In these virtual spaces, people could share their experiences with HIV without telling their real name or identity, even their location. They could also talk to people while revealing nothing at all about their HIV status.

Without enough explanation and care from doctors, I had no choice but to search for information and help via the internet. I met many friends who were suffering and struggling against the disease. They helped me solve my initial problems and gave me important advice when I was facing therapy options.

Then, when I could finally face my HIV status calmly, my first thought was doing something for the patients with same experience as me who were struggling for care and support and try my best to help them. I began to write treatment notes on Sina Blog with the hope that my experience and thoughts could encourage HIV-positive people to fight bravely against the disease. As more accessed, more people made consultations to me.

Dandelion is a soft but strong plant that spreads her seeds with love around at her season. It is a flower full of maternity and life energy with endless love. Many people think QQ groups childish, but this web-based chatting tool successfully meets the needs of people located in different geographic areas and provides the requirement of privacy. The members can communicate freely at anytime, from anywhere, as long as the internet is available.

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We hoped, through the internet, to unite more women to help our friends in difficulties and to raise our unified voice. He TT The use of message boards such as QQ was essential to building links among women in different provinces. The QQ message board used by the Dandelion network is a domestic Chinese service, thus less liable to blockage than services by foreign providers such as Google. In all, restrictions on the Internet are an occasional annoyance to HIV activists, but do not effectively deter them from communication These stories not only change images and social assumptions, but have also led to effective and powerful social organising He XP In this case, women being open about their HIV status and reaching out to others through Internet and social networks formed the preconditions for establishment of WNAC.

According to materials shared by the WNAC secretariat, the goals of this first meeting were to share experiences and explore network strategy. This was followed by group interviews to evaluate needs and existing capacities within the network. A second preparatory meeting followed to discuss formation of a strategic plan and draft network by-laws.

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After six months of preparation, the official launch of the network occurred on 9 July in Beijing C As a result, WNAC has a more formal structure than many other civil society networks with a longer history. Regardless of this, 18 of the 21 members are unregistered, either because they have been unable to register as NGOs or have not made any attempt. The organisational members represent between 50 and participants each, a total of over 2, women nationwide C No membership fees or dues are charged, as most members would be unable to pay and are themselves looking for funding.

WNAC began its formal existence in with three staff: a secretary general, an administrative officer and an assistant, based in a small apartment in an industrial area of Beijing, near a hospital that provided the first HIV treatment in the city and still houses several other HIV-related organisations C55, C The secretary general, an HIV-positive woman, was the founder of the Dandelion network; the HIV status of the other two staff one female, one male is unknown to me.

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According to materials provided by the secretary general, the network operates through a hub-and-spokes structure, with the secretariat at the centre and members at the periphery. This may reflect some network communication paths, but in reality some members have closer links to the secretariat than others, particularly Golden Sunshine and Shanghai Beautiful Lives. Outside of Henan, most other provinces are only represented by a single organisation, with a fairly wide national spread, but sparse coverage in the high-prevalence provinces of Yunnan and Guangxi where the AIDS Care-organised network is active.

There is also no membership group based in Beijing, yet the secretary general felt it important to have the network coordination office there in order to interact with donors and other HIV organisations C Soon after its formal establishment, WNAC developed a strategic plan, objectives and activities covering the period from From , a three-year strategy includes four objectives:.

As a newly-formed network, WNAC does not yet have an extensive record of advocacy activities. Of the advocacy strategies described in chapter 4, WNAC uses primarily community advocacy, aiming to involve more HIV-positive women and support groups in their activities.

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WNAC has made particularly effective use of literary and art as media for awareness raising and mobilisation. In practice, network members have been engaged in advocacy efforts for several years since the formation of the Dandelion network. The scarf was sent by post from province to province, and women in each location displayed it, added to it and sent in on C55 In , the WNAC secretary general was selected as one of 14 people on the steering committee of the China Red Ribbon Forum, a government-civil society dialogue group on human rights However, it has not yet provided any specific help C Other HIV networks have stronger links to government, while still preserving some degree of independence.

There are legal and internal government issues. The difference is in how we deal with it.

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Without stronger government links, however, it is difficult to see how the network will have any major impact on HIV policy using either an embedded or an inside-outside strategy. The idea of advocacy through an international donor dodges rather than answers the question. Our initial support was for development of institutional governance structures, set up in a consultative way. Advocacy on HIV among civil society is not well organised. Especially for a new network, short-term core funding may produce high levels of stress and uncertainty and send inadvertent messages that the grantee cannot be trusted, or that the donor is overly controlling.

The network secretariat seems to spend the majority of its time preparing reports and documents for the donor, and close contact to donors was the primary reason for setting up the Beijing office in the first place. In terms of ground-level results and support for women living with HIV, however, the network arguably provided more before it became formalised and received any donor support.

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Yet many newly-formed groups have little choice in the matter. The problem is particularly acute for a national network in a country as large as China, whose members are by definition disadvantaged and relatively poor. Reflecting the dominance of business management approaches among Chinese NGOs and the increasing role of domestic corporate foundations C15, C23 , income generation from social enterprise is a legitimate strategy for many local organisations. But it is unusual and probably impractical for a national network with organisational members who are themselves seeking operational funds.

More realistically, WNAC members might engage in a variety of income-generating activities and contribute a portion of the proceeds to the network. No mechanism for such revenue sharing exists yet within the network. The network did not begin this way, and it still retains many characteristics of its informal, virtual origins as a lifeline among HIV-positive women. With donor interest and funding, the network transformed quickly, perhaps too quickly, from a virtual social network into a formal organisational network before strong horizontal ties could be formed among members in different locations around China.

How can Chinese networks maintain this balance? Such a national association could have numerous benefits: enabling strategic alliances with the state, strengthening member networks and adding legitimacy Howell b: A single voice towards the government would be desirable, but any unified network would make authorities nervous, so they would attempt to control, manipulate or damage it C