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Northern Sudan, and Omdurman in particular, are known for silver work, ivory carvings, and leatherwork. In the south, artisans produce carved wooden figures. In the deserts in the eastern and western regions of the country, most of the artwork is also functional, including such weapons as swords and spears. Among contemporary artists, the most popular media are printmaking, calligraphy, and photography. Ibrahim as-Salahi, one of Sudan's best-known artists, has attained recognition in all three forms. Performance Arts. Music and dance are central to Sudanese culture and serve many purposes, both recreational and religious.

In the north, music reveals strong Arabic influence, and often involves dramatic recitations of verses from the Qur'an. In the south, the indigenous music relies heavily on drums and complex rhythms. One ritual in which music plays a large part is the zar, a ceremony intended to cure a woman of possession by spirits; it is a uniquely female ritual that can last up to seven days.

Auditing of the phlebotomy system in medical laboratories in Port Sudan City, Sudan

A group of women play drums and rattles, to which the possessed woman dances, using a prop as an object associated with her particular spirit. Because of its extreme poverty and political problems, Sudan cannot afford to allocate resources to programs in the physical and social sciences.

The country does have several museums in Khartoum, including the National History Museum; the Ethnographical Museum; and the Sudanese National Museum, which houses a number of ancient artifacts. Anderson, G. Sudan in Crisis: The Failure of Democracy, Haumann, Mathew. Holt, P. Jok, Jok Madut. Kebbede, Girma, ed. Macleod, Scott.

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Nelan, Bruce W. Peterson, Scott. Petterson, Donald.

Sudan - Wikipedia

Woodbury, Richard, et al. Toggle navigation. Culture Name Sudanese. History and Ethnic Relations Emergence of the Nation. Urbanism, Architecture, and the Use of Space Only 25 percent of the population live in cities or towns; the remaining 75 percent are rural. Food and Economy Food in Daily Life. Social Stratification Classes and Castes. Political Life Government. Social Welfare and Change Programs The government supports limited health and welfare programs.

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Marriage, Family, and Kinship Marriage. Socialization Infant Care. Etiquette Greetings and leave-takings are interactions with religious overtones; the common expressions all have references to Allah, which are taken not just metaphorically but also literally. Religion Religious Beliefs.

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  3. Culture of Sudan - history, people, clothing, traditions, women, beliefs, food, customs, family.

Medicine and Health Care Technically, medical care is provided free of charge by the government, but in actuality few people have access to such care because of the shortage of doctors and other health care personnel. The Arts and Humanities Support for the Arts. The State of the Physical and Social Sciences Because of its extreme poverty and political problems, Sudan cannot afford to allocate resources to programs in the physical and social sciences.

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Bibliography Anderson, G. Dowell, William. Johnson, Douglas H. Sudan, Roddis, Ingrid and Miles. Chronicle, Zimmer, Carl. Web Sites "Sudan. Also read article about Sudan from Wikipedia. User Contributions: 1. Really this article is very educational and i really enjoyed reading it.

Very good and educational article, I have just learned a whole lot of information about Sudan. I really enjoyed the information that you put in this article. It helped me so much with my project for my final exam. I couldn't find any other information on Sudanese. Your information saved the day. Hi, its really a very informative article and it has given me more knowledge about Sudan. I was actually looking for the population of tribes in Sudan. I know it is not easy to find, but can anybody help me in this regard please?

I will be very grateful if i get this informaiton. David Deng. Stephanie Taylor. Ahmed Idriss Hassan. Hunter Dobbins. The mourning for life would seem quite long and is that just the way of their culture? Is it bad or sinful to re-marry? Dane James.

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Very nice infomation. About the widow it is up to her if she want to remarry or not just she need to stay for 4month to know if she is pregnant or not. And this is not a Muslim tradition to wear black,it is avery personal. The stuff is heavily load with the right, useful and unbiased historical and cultural information about Sudan. It is also easy to read and understandable to all who have seek knowledge about Sudan.

However I see it needs updating to reflect the recent political changes in the country, especially the Comprehensive Peace Accord CPA and the constitutional review that gave birth to the current traansitional government of national unity. Other agreements have been made to quell the rebel crises in the West Darfur and other isolated spots in the Central Sudan. The last election in the country I gathered elsewhere was in the year , the CPA was produced in January and ratified in May and this gave the present government a tenure of 6 years - leading to the referendum to decide the future of South Sudan in Dont forget, the next national election holds 7 April this year.

All these have caused major changes in other sides of Sudan as a nation and the lives of the Sudanese as a people. Great job! People are lovely, area is nice - it was wonderful expierence. Your article gave us more info about this nice country, perfect overview. I guess this is useful information, but you neglected the largest current event going on in sudan to get a simple mention. This is a very wonderful Topic and i like the culture of Sudanese.

Some of your information on Islam was not correct and women are allowed in the masjids. Please get your facts straight before publishing. I wonder if you could give me more about the celebratory dances of Sudan, not the ritualistic ones like the zar but the social and folk dances, qualities of movement and costume. Nice comments,so we hobe as sudanese some people read this and make comments. Your article was very thorough, It was easy to follow and very interesting.