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For Gen Petraeus, 57, this is a demotion of post if not of rank.

4. Basic forms of traditional dress

Gen Petraeus is a masterful political general. He is highly articulate and adept at judging and communicating with an international audience. In this respect, he is very different from Gen McChrystal who majors on the rough, tough and blunt as the Rolling Stone article captures. With his own experience of Iraq and his association with Afghanistan, he is likely to run with the McChrystal plan as Mr Obama intends. It will be important, however, for the plan to develop to cope with outcomes that are unlikely to conform to expectations.

Gen Petraeus is known to be uncomfortable with the July deadline that President Obama presented as the beginning of withdrawal. A classic tool of insurgents is to prolong a campaign to outlast the limited patience of democracies. And with US mid-term elections coming up in the autumn, evidence of progress towards withdrawal is particularly important.

Gen McChrystal had already announced a delay in the Kandahar operation - in whatever form that will take. For more information, click here: TRC Afghanistan 's's. Hamid Karzai's dress and Afghan unification 5.

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In this exhibition: 0. Cover page 1. Introduction 2.

Kandahar Province

Afghan peoples 3. Hamid Karzai's dress and Afghan unification 4. Basic forms of traditional dress 5. Baluchi traditional dress 6. Hazara traditional dress 7. Nuristani traditional dress 8. Pashtun traditional dress 9.

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Momentum stalled as each successive attempt was stymied by overwhelming reality, and things fell apart. That battle may have been lost, but my war to snatch a scrap of normalcy is hardly over.

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