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More than just a nostalgic look back, we wanted to use this historical account to ground abstract issues like gentrification, transportation, race, class, and economics to the lived reality of everyday people and trace the connection between policy and cultural production.

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Ultimately, what set this story apart from every other OutKast-related story in was an attempt to make connections between their music and the socioeconomic landscape of the city. The Atlanta Press Club included the story in its list of its 10 favorite stories of the last 50 years in Atlanta. This year DigBoston took on a major investigation into the surveillance state in Eastern Massachusetts.

This included but was not limited to using facial recognition software that parses people by skin color. We asked each participant a single question:. The first installment had 16 takes from New Orleanians with a variety of backgrounds natives and new immigrants, wealthy and poor, old and young, various ethnicities. We also created six infographics addressing median incomes, the price of housing, etc.

The issue was so widely discussed, and we had so many people wanting to participate, that we did it again six months later. Margaret Downing, Houston Press Neal Smith had excelled at his first day in an elite firefighter training exercise. But on Day 2, trapped in a small space and weighed down by 75 pounds of gear, he became disoriented in the fog and collapsed on the second floor of the building he was making his way through.

His internal temperature was degrees; his brain was swelling. When Mayday was finally called it was too late. Rushed to a nearby hospital, the experienced firefighter died there later that day. Most people assume that all firefighters are trained by their own fire departments. When she asked for access to the gay wing, they agreed.

Ani had never written long form, but was a quick study. I worked closely with this young journalist still attending USC, and we were able to prove that the wing is a unique jail subculture that exists in no other major U. The video and story, published as a package, went viral and global, becoming one of the most, if not the most, viewed stories in L.

We were overwhelmed with people seeking movie deals, our unused footage, and permission to use parts of the video or story in France, the UK, Spain and so on. We also ran an investigation into the local garbage incinerator that resulted in a class action lawsuit. With a prisoner swap and the December 17 announcement that the United States will normalize relations with Cuba, President Obama made a change that will have profound effects on South Florida.

Decades after the two nations cut off relations and initiated a cold war across the Florida Straits, a new thaw has begun. Travel to the island will be easier. So will sending money and technology. The coverage is gathered here. Skylar Browning, Missoula Independent In April, a Missoula resident shot and killed an unarmed year-old German exchange student for allegedly burglarizing his garage. We count on delegates to broadcast the message that H IV is preventable and treatable, and that now is the time to put words into action.

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Lars O. How many more still need to be broken? The Barcelona Framework has indeed been a challenge to implement and translate into reality, but the Conference has managed to create a sufficient integration of "science" and "community" throughout the Conference program. Our challenge as science and community however, is ensuring that the integration is turned into reality on the country level, and translating the benefits that can come from this collaborative relationship into meaningful action.

The Conference program is full and varied, and the opportunity has been created for you to learn, share, participate and develop understanding. We need to ensure that these conferences are not seen in isolation; but that we use them to account for our responses and actions, and that we ensure that our actions are informed by relevant knowledge and supported by appropriate and sustainable commitment. These conferences are a small but important part of the way in which we respond to the epidemic, and you are an important part of that response.

It is however, equally important that you take the knowledge that you have gained at this Conference back home with you, share the information with communities in order to strengthen our collective action which will assist us to define the way in which we all try to live with this virus every day. I wish you an energized and informative conference. After the Conference, the Foundation will continue with its other work of implementing research projects to improve and extend intervention programs in the biomedical and public health fields, both nationally and internationally.

It has particular interest in setting up projects in co-operation with Latin America, the Caribbean and other Mediterranean countries. The technical experience of the Spanish scientists and their cultural links with agencies and organizations of the Latin American and Caribbean region are of special interest. The IAS has more than o,ooo members representing more than countries.

The IAS is a worldwide organisation founded in It is politically and financially independent and can speak freely as a voice of reason in AIDS controversies. The next conference in this series will take place in Paris, July , The IAS runs three major global programmes: IAS Share is the not-for-profit educational programme of the IAS, focused on clinical care and prevention of H IV infection, primarily directed towards developing countries and countries in economic transition. E-mail: ias. E-mail: j. Designed to face the emerging problem of HIV drug resistance, this programme will collect and distribute data on the circulation of drug-resistant HIV strains in treated and untreated individuals, and make this data available as a resource for scientists and clinicians worldwide.

IAS international headquarters are located in Stockholm, Sweden. Each region has its own priorities and programs. ICW was founded in Amsterdam in in response to the desperate lack of support and information available to HIV positive women worldwide. ICASO is composed of 5 secretariats in each geographical region, and a central secretariat in Canada. UNAIDS mobilizes the responses to the epidemic of its seven co-sponsoring organizations and supplements these efforts with special initiatives.

Its purpose is to lead and assist an expansion of the international response to HIV on all fronts: medical, public health, social, economic, cultural, political and human rights. UNAIDS works with a broad range of partners - governmental and NGO, business, scientific and lay - to share knowledge, skills and best practice across boundaries. Red Red is the Spanish network of non-governmental organizations. Red was created to express the diverse voices of the Spanish HIV Community and to implement action programs.

Red works specifically to develop the rights and responsibilities of individuals, families and communities throughout Spain. Red also devotes special efforts to community co-operation projects with Latin America and Mediterranean countries. Red pursues its goals through self-support, dialog, lobbying and advocacy. Early international conferences focused on sharing research and medical findings about what was a relatively new disease. More recently, as our understanding of the basic science and natural history of HIV infection has steadily increased, more attention has been devoted, as an essential component of the Conference Program, to creating opportunities for sharing our understanding in social, public health and community-related areas, including local and national experiences in response to the epidemic.

The main goal of the Barcelona Conference - to ensure that knowledge gained from science and experience is now translated into action - is derived from the Barcelona Framework. The Barcelona Framework has served as the basis to identify the Conference theme and to construct the Conference Program. The theme was selected to reinforce the need to review the knowledge gained through science and experience, and use this knowledge to commit to action.

Over the years, knowledge gained from the basic and clinical sciences has been dramatically important, and has contributed greatly to increasing the life expectancy and quality of life of affected persons.

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Moreover, prevention efforts have succeeded in reducing the rate of new infections in many populations around the world, though there is still much work to be done in this area. The pandemic is expanding in many parts of the world, particularly among poor and other vulnerable populations, and access to new diagnostic and therapeutic strategies is available to only an extremely small percentage of at-risk and affected people. As a result, it is now clearer than ever that progress in the fight against this pandemic will depend not only on scientific developments, educational programs and support programs, but also on political commitment to act globally.

In particular, the Barcelona Conference Program is structured to facilitate participation by the increasing number of people who, from all sectors, are working to turn research into effective programs and actions. The two components will be linked through skills building and bridging sessions.

Biomedical, Behavioral and Social Sciences Tracks in the Biomedical, Behavioral and Social Sciences component will share information and data from the biomedical, behavioral and social sciences as well as from public healthrelated areas. This component will address specific research questions and hypotheses in tracks A to E. Abstract contents will be research-based data using established scientific methods. Track A: Basic Sciences This track will highlight all aspects related to HIV structure and replication and its regulation as well as host immune responses.

Drug discovery, research on vaccines and development of animal models will also be addressed. This track will be of particular interest to laboratory researchers and clinicians involved in basic principles of HIV. Track B: Clinical Sciences and Care This track will highlight the characteristics and clinical course of HIV infection and related diseases, the evaluation of diagnostic and therapeutic tools, including resistance tests, and the clinical trials and cohort studies which provide the scientific basis for therapeutic interventions and care.

This track will be of particular interest to investigators and clinicians participating in clinical research related to HIV-1 infection. Presentations Final Program. This track will also address methodological and ethical issues in HIV prevention research. This track will be of particular interest to those involved in advancing multidisciplinary biomedical, behavioral, and social sciences investigations of HIV prevention. Track E: Social Sciences This track will highlight the scientific investigation of behavioral, social, economic, political and cultural mechanisms underlying the risk of, and protection from, HIV infection and AIDS, access to and continuity of care and treatment, and will assess the psychological and social impact of the epidemic on individuals, communities and society as a whole.

This track will be of particular interest to people concerned with the social and economic dimensions of the epidemic who are using concepts, approaches, and frameworks derived from the wellestablished body of knowledge of social sciences and the methodological tools of scientific research.

Sessions will focus on sharing lessons learned. Types of Sessions Plenary Sessions The world's most distinguished researchers, community leaders and policy specialists have been invited to give plenary lectures during the Conference. Plenary Sessions will bring together all conference participants each day at Palau St. These sessions will be devoted to a specific topic and will include presentations that cut across the disciplines represented in the seven tracks.

The first plenary lecture will be the second Jonathan Mann Memorial Lecture. Oral Abstract Sessions The Oral Abstract sessions are based on track-specific, peerreviewed abstracts.

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Speakers will be allowed a ten-minute presentation followed by a five-minute discussion. Questions from the audience will be encouraged and facilitated by the session chairs. All Oral Abstract presentations will also be displayed as posters from Monday to Thursday in Palacio 4, level 1. Senior Lectures and Special Events The program also includes non-abstract driven sessions by invited speakers.

Their aim is to review specific topics and issues, and they will be presented by well-known researchers and political leaders. Bridging Sessions Bridging Sessions have been organized to enhance the dialog among tracks and Conference participants and to allow the opportunity to share knowledge and experience.

Bridging Sessions cross boundaries of individual track components and include presentations from at least three different tracks and both program components.

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Bridging Sessions have been structured to encourage significant audience participation and discussion. Poster Presentations and Exhibitions The Poster Exhibitions have been generated from peer-reviewed abstracts and will cover a wide variety of topics organized by track.