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However political instability hinders any chance of continuous development. Bamako, Mali — The city was rocked by terrorist attacks last year when Islamist militants took hostages and killed 20 of them in a mass shooting at the Radisson Blu hotel.

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Nouakchott, Mauritania —The city was originally a small village of little importance until until growing rapidly into one of the biggest cities in the Sahara. However, overcrowding, droughts, and poverty have helped fill the city with slums. Conakry, Guinea Republic — The port city is riddled with personal safety issues where violent crime, protests, and strikes wreck havoc in Conakry.

Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo — Ethnic nationalist conflict is rife in the city and NGOs have tried to step in to provide aid and food relief to the city and the rest of the country. Brazzaville, Congo — Government corruption has triggered huge protests in the city which led to a number of people being killed by the police. N'Djamena, Chad —The city in one of the world's poorest countries has suffered at the hands of militant Islamist group Boko Haram. The group carries out frequent suicide bombings in the city. Port Au Prince, Haiti —The city is rife with violent crime and is dangerous for travellers.

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Rapes and robberies are common and there is a worrying growth in vigilante violence. Sana'a, Yemen — The largest city in Yemen has been devastated by airstrikes from Saudi Arabia as the country has become a battleground in the proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Bangui, Central African Republic — The capital city is incredibly poor and many citizens rely on aid for survival. On top of that, violent sectarian clashes erupt regularly in the area. Baghdad, Iraq — The capital city has suffered severe infrastructural damage from several wars and continual on the ground violence.

It continues to face threats from ISIS. Read the original article on Business Insider UK. Already have an account? Log in here. Independent Premium Comments can be posted by members of our membership scheme, Independent Premium. It allows our most engaged readers to debate the big issues, share their own experiences, discuss real-world solutions, and more. Our journalists will try to respond by joining the threads when they can to create a true meeting of independent Premium. The most insightful comments on all subjects will be published daily in dedicated articles.

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Please be respectful when making a comment and adhere to our Community Guidelines. You can find our Community Guidelines in full here. Skip to main content. About the Delegation of the European Union to Togo The Delegation of the European Union to Togo has the mandate to, among others, ensure the representation of the European Union in Togo, encourage bilateral relations between the European Union and Togo in the political, economic, trade and cooperation fields, and manage the programs and projects financed by the European Union, in a coordinated way with the various partners.

About the Ministry of Mines and Energy of Togo The Ministry of Mines and Energy of Togo MME implements the State's policy on mining, hydrocarbons and energy and monitors the situation in collaboration with other relevant ministries and institutions.

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David Lecoque CEO. In the s, life expectancy at birth was fifty-one years, though this is declining steeply with the onset of AIDS. Malaria, commonly referred to as palu, remains the leading cause of illness and death. Traditional healing methods and preparations continue to be the most widely used form of health Houses like these in Tata village house a large number of Togolese citizens.

Frequently medical treatments are coupled with visits to the local vodou house or fetish priest. There is little government support for the arts in Togo, beyond the rudimentary presence of a Ministry of Culture and the poorly funded and maintained departments of the university. There is little government support for the physical and social sciences in Togo, beyond the existence of a Ministry for Scientific Research and Education.

Private organizations and nongovernmental organizations provide various services, and a private academy of social sciences was created. Agier, Michel. Decalo, Samuel. Historical Dictionary of Togo. Greene, Sandra. Lawrance, Benjamin Nicholas. Marguerat, Yves.

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Piot, Charles. Rosenthal, Judy. Sebald, Peter. Togo — Eine Geschichte der deutschen "Musterkolonie" auf der Grundlage amtlicher Quellen, Spieth, Jakob. Toggle navigation. Culture Name Togolese; Togolais.

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  4. History and Ethnic Relations The population of the central mountains is perhaps the oldest in Togo, with recent archeological research dating the presence of the Tchamba, Bogou, and Bassar people as far back as the ninth century. Food and Economy Food in Daily Life. Social Stratification Classes and Castes. Political Life Government.


    Social Welfare and Change Programs Welfare is almost nonexistent, though pensioners who paid contributions to the Francophone cooperative system continue to receive payments. Socialization Infant Care. Etiquette Public displays of affection are seldom. Religion Religious Beliefs. Medicine and Health Care Similar to other underdeveloped, tropical nations, Togo's population is challenged by numerous health problems, including parasitic, intestinal, nutritional, venereal, and respiratory diseases.

    The Arts and Humanities There is little government support for the arts in Togo, beyond the rudimentary presence of a Ministry of Culture and the poorly funded and maintained departments of the university. The State of the Physical and Social Sciences There is little government support for the physical and social sciences in Togo, beyond the existence of a Ministry for Scientific Research and Education.

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    Bibliography Agier, Michel. Comhaire-Sylvain, Suzanne. Cornevin, Robert. Histoire du Togo.

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    Delval, Raymond. Les Musulmans au Togo, Viering, Erich. Togo Singt ein neues Lied, Winslow, Zachery. Togo, Westermann, Dietrich. Die Glidyi-Ewe in Togo, Also read article about Togo from Wikipedia. User Contributions: 1. I really liked this article it was very interesting to me and i am glad that i got to read it!

    I am from togo also where are u from I was born in togo near the ocean my parents got marryed there. My white American daughter is in love with a Togolese young man Christian from the South who lives in America at present.