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Surviving Crises, Catastrophes, and Peace-Keeping Forces in Haiti

Recycling Rubble into New Futures for Haiti. Aug 12, With the incredible losses the Institution had suffered and the money Read more. Aug 04, August 4, —In April , I visited Haiti and saw the destruction wreaked upon the people of this already desperately poor nation by the earthquake. I was deeply saddened to see how much the Haitian people had lost and was extremely concerned about the amount of effort it would take to rebuild what was left of the country. In late June of this year, 14 months later, I returned and was astonished by the progress that I saw.

There remains a monumental amount of work to do on the road to recovery and to rebuilding a country Its objectives were to professionalize the military, develop an effective police force, generate law and order, and ultimately create a political climate favorable to democratization.

After seven years of their travails, the six missions ended in failure. The military was disbanded, the police remained a weak, corrupt, and politicized institution, violence and kidnappings spread, and social as well as political polarization redoubled. Eirin Mobekk puts it succinctly: the U. In fact, when the United Nations left in , Haiti was entering a new period of systemic crisis that degenerated into a violent power vacuum which in turn led to the forced departure of President Aristide and the eventual return of the United Nations in It was charged with disarming and demobilizing paramilitary groups and urban gangs and reintegrating them into civilian life.

Moreover, the police forces as well as the system of justice were to be completely reformed; and a new, independent, and professional electoral system was to be established to ensure free and fair elections. In fact, the gains made were not sustainable because they did not change the material and political conditions that generated the violence in the first place.

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The problem is that neither Haitian rulers and economic elites, nor the United Nations and its powerful patrons had the capacity or the will to effect the type of reforms that might have resulted in an inclusive pattern of economic development. In the same vein, she could have been much more forceful in her condemnation of the ways the United Nations managed the cholera epidemics that its own peacekeepers introduced into Haiti.

Mobekk fails to analyze the unequal nature of the world system within which the United Nations is exercising its missions and peace-keeping operations. The goal of that system is neither meaningful democratization nor redistribution of economic and political power, but rather social order and stability and the spread of market reforms that ultimately serve the interests of a globalized financial elite.

The type of changes she suggests to rationalize U. Mobekk is right, however, in concluding that Haitians themselves are responsible for building their own democracy. While they may have different audiences, they complement each other in the sense that they tend to capture the gap existing between the daily concerns of average Haitians and the objectives of a distant international community and its allies in the Haitian elite.

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