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Still, the sum announced is so little that it can hardly prove effective. It is just about two dollars. We ourselves have noticed that some people shrug off recommendations by people as they refuse to wear masks or observe social distancing in buses or metro. These persons, who either do not believe in the infectious disease or do not care about the health of other citizens, are in fact violating the rights of others and they should face the consequences of their social behavior. It should also be acknowledged that the medical staff, physicians, and nurses, are tired.

They have been fighting the virus for over eight months and an increase in the number of Covid patients will put more burden on them and make them more vulnerable to the deadly virus. It is regrettable that due to the carelessness of some irresponsible persons a number of highly competent physicians like Dr. Mahmoud Noorian, a renowned neurosurgeon at Ayatollah Kashani hospital of Isfahan, as well as several proficient nurses who were at the forefront of the battle against the virus have lost their lives. The lack of enforceable and concrete measures by responsible bodies has made other health officials angry and impatient.

For example, Dr. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 21 , — Characterization of aerosolized bacteria and fungi from desert dust events in Mali, West Africa. Aerobiologia, 20 , 99— Kim, K. Distribution characteristics of airborne bacteria and fungi in the feedstuff-manufacturing factories. Journal of Hazardous Materials, , — Kwaasi, A. Aeroallergens and viable microbes in sand storm dust. Potential triggers of allergic and nonallergic respiratory ailments. Allergy, 53 , — Leger, J. Comparative pathology of nocardiosis in marine mammals. Veterinary Pathology, 46 2 , — Lyles, M.

The chemical, biological, and mechanical characterization of airborne micro-particulates from Kuwait. Force Health Protect. Maier, R. Microbial life in the Atacama Desert. Science, , — Massoum, Beigi H. Survey of the aerobic flora in the air central district of Tehran. Kowsar Medical Journal, 2 3 , — Mcneil, M. The medically important aerobic actinomycetes: epidemiology and microbiology. Clinical Microbiology Reviews, 7 3 , — Mehta, Y. Tsukamurella infection: a rare cause of community-acquired pneumonia.

The American journal of the medical sciences, 6 , — Mendell, M. Do indoor pollutants and thermalconditions in schools influence student performance? A critical review of the literature. Indoor Air, 15 , 27— Moon, K. Seasonal evaluation of bioaerosols from indoor air of residential apartments within the metropolitan area in South Korea.

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Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 4 , — Naddafi, K. Iranian Journal of Health and Environment, 1 2 , 75— In Persian. Guidelines for good indoor air quality in office premises. First edition, pp Oberdorster, G. Association of particulateair pollution and acute mortality: involvement of ultrafine particles. Inhalation Toxicology, 7 , 11— Pastuszka, J. Bacterial and fungal aerosol in indoor environment in Upper Silesia, Poland. Atmospheric Environment, 34 , — Pope, C. Review of epidemiological evidence of health effects of particulate air pollution.

Inhalation Toxicology, 7 1 , 1— Prospero, J. Interhemispheric transport of viable fungi and bacteria from Africa to the Caribbean with soil dust. Aerobiologia, 21 , 1— Salonen, H. Fungi and bacteria in mould-damaged and non-damaged office environments in a subarctic climate. Schlesinger, P. Transport of microorganisms to Israel during Saharan dust events.

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Aerobiologia, 22 4 , — Despite the laboratory, clinical, and epidemiological studies, the health effects of exposure to NO 2 in humans are not understood well. NO 2 is a hardly water-soluble, highly reactive, and nitrogen-centered gas with free radicals that resides in the lung tissue. NO 2 penetrates the respiratory system, but studies have shown that terminal bronchioles are the main place for their reaction. The main destructive mechanism of NO 2 in the respiratory tract is lipid peroxidation in cell membranes and involvement in various free radical reactions that effect the cell structure and function NO 2 causes inflammation of the airways, particularly the terminal bronchioles Also, NO 2 has a reinforcing effect on asthmatic response to allergens.

NO 2 in concentrations present in the atmosphere are potentially irritating and associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases.

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It also increases airway reaction in asthmatics and can cause severe acute respiratory symptoms such as cough, chest pain, shortness of breath, and bronchopneumonia Also, toxicological evidence suggest that increased sensitivity to infection, functional impairment of the airways, and worsening health status of people with chronic respiratory conditions are among the potential health impacts of NO 2 With regards to CO, this study showed that this pollutant was related to respiratory deaths after 9- day lags in the total population, in males, and in older than 60 age group.

Also, in the population under 18, there was a significant association between the mean of CO and respiratory deaths in the cumulative 0 to day lags. In a study done in Tehran, CO was directly related to respiratory deaths and the correlation was about 0.

In another study from Tehran, in the months that CO increased, the rate of respiratory mortality in children under 12 years increased as well In a study from Shiraz, Iran, the results of multivariate analysis showed that CO is directly related to respiratory death in the total population, males, females, and those aged 18 to 60 years 8. Finally, the present study found a significant positive relationship between the concentrations of ambient air SO 2 and respiratory deaths in the total population, males, and older than 60 age group in 9- day lags. Similar to this, in Wong et al.

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In another study from California, SO 2 showed a strong relationship with increased mortality from lung cancer in both genders In a study from Kerman, Iran, after adjusting for temperature and humidity, a significant association was observed between increased respiratory mortality among males but not females and ambient air SO 2 9. However, several studies that have shown a non-significant association between SO2 and respiratory mortality, such as a study from Beijing In a study on the long-term effects of air pollution on adult mortality in 18 areas in 7 cities in France, the relationship between SO 2 and cardiopulmonary disease was not significant 59 , and in the study conducted by Liang in Taiwan, SO 2 had no significant association with respiratory mortality Several mechanisms explain the effects of air pollution on the respiratory system.

The most acceptable and basic explanation is that in exposure of the respiratory epithelium to air pollutants, high concentrations of oxidants and pro-oxidants in these pollutants form oxygen and nitrogen- free radicals that cause oxidative stress in the respiratory system. In other words, an increase in free radicals initiates an inflammatory response and release of inflammatory cells and mediators cytokines, chemokines, and adhesion molecules to the circulatory system, which creates a subclinical inflammation that not only has a negative impact on the respiratory system, but also causes systemic effects 2 , 69 , One of the limitations of this study was that exposure measurement was done by air pollution stations that do not accurately represent exposure at the individual level.

Nevertheless, this method is the most practical and affordable method to measure exposure in air pollution studies Another limitation of this study was lack of socioeconomic information on the deceased, which prevented us from adjusting this variable. Air pollutants in Ahvaz were associated with respiratory mortality on the same day and multi-day lags. Due to the increasing trend of respiratory deaths in this city, it is necessary to implement interventions to reduce air pollution sources and adopt policies to reduce exposure to air pollution in Ahvaz.

Short-term effects of air pollution on respiratory mortality in Ahvaz, Iran. Med J Islam Repub Iran. National Center for Biotechnology Information , U. Published online Apr 8. Find articles by Maryam Dastoorpoor. Find articles by Narges Khanjani. Find articles by Abbas Bahrampour. Find articles by Gholamreza Goudarzi. Find articles by Hamidreza Aghababaeian. Find articles by Esmaeil Idani. Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer.

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Corresponding author: Dr Esmaeil Idani, moc. Received Jan This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial 3. This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. Abstract Background: Urban air pollutants may affect respiratory mortality.

Keywords: Short-term effects, Air pollution,, Respiratory mortality, Ahvaz. Introduction Clean air is considered as a basic requirement of human health and well-being, and air pollution is a major threat to global health 1 - 3. Open in a separate window. Statistical Analysis The association between respiratory mortalities with mean daily air pollution was analyzed using a quasi-Poisson, second degree polynomial constrained, distributed lag model using single and cumulative lag structures, adjusted by trend, seasonality, temperature, relative humidity, weekdays, and holidays.

Results The total number of respiratory mortalities between March and March in Ahvaz days was cases, with an average of almost 22 deaths per month. Table 1 Number of respiratory deaths and descriptive indices of air pollutants and climate factors in Ahvaz from March to March The trend of respiratory disease mortality from March to March Discussion Air pollution is one of the important problems of large industrial cities. Conclusion Air pollutants in Ahvaz were associated with respiratory mortality on the same day and multi-day lags.

Conflict of Interests The authors declare that they have no competing interests. References 1. Environ Int. Organization WH. Air quality guidelines: global update particulate matter, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, and sulfur dioxide: World Health Organization; World health statistics World Health Organization; Short term effects of criteria air pollutants on daily mortality in Delhi, India.

Atmos Environ. Forecasting ambient air pollutants by time series models in Kerman, Iran. Burden of disease from Ambient Air Pollution for World Health Organization. Environmental burden of disease in Europe: assessing nine risk factors in six countries. The world health report reducing risks, promoting healthy life: World Health Organization; Modeling the association between particle constituents of air pollution and health outcomes.

Am J Epidemiol. Short-term effects of ambient particles on cardiovascular and respiratory mortality. J Epidemiol Community Health. Eur Respir J. Environ Health Perspect. Environ Health Perspect Online ; 9 First Results. Short-term effects of air pollution on daily mortality and years of life lost in Nanjing, China. Sci Total Environ. Individual-level modifiers of the effects of particulate matter on daily mortality. Trauma Mon. Temporal profile of PM 10 and associated health effects in one of the most polluted cities of the world Ahvaz, Iran between and