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He lectures on technical and institutional translation, translation tools and technologies, and translation history in the Institute of Translation Studies. He is an active translator and auditor under the ISO standard. His publications cover translation quality, institutional and technical translation, translation technology, future of the translation profession as well as translation history. After his graduation at the ESIT translator school Paris in , Nicolas Froeliger worked for 17 years as a translator and head of the Parisian Architexte translator company.

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She has obtained a PhD from the University of Latvia in She is the author and co-author of more than 60 publications. Her research interests lie in the fields of translatology, contrastive linguistics, text linguistics, digital humanities, pragmatics, and terminology. It is the only study programme in the respective field, which offers specialization in translatology and terminology studies.


Platonova has been the member of the Committee of Experts of the State Language since She is the chair of organizing committee of the international scientific conference Meaning in Translation: Illusion of Precision, which has been successfully organized biennially since She is the member of the scientific committees of the international conferences as well as of the editorial boards of the peer-reviewed publications. He teaches specialized German language courses at Master and Bachelor level.

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He is academic coordinator for the joint BA Applied European Languages and the postgraduate programme Computer-Assisted Language Mediation as well as work placement supervisor for MA and postgraduate programmes. He is a member of the departmental steering committee, the educational board and the faculty international relations steering committee. Zu den über betreuten Kunden gehören neben zahlreichen Behörden und Anwaltskanzleien in erster Linie international agierende mittelständische Unternehmen sowie Kommunikationsdienstleister und Marketingfirmen.

Berufsgruppensprecherin Sprachdienstleister der Wirtschaftskammer Wien. Mitarbeit in der Normenarbeitsgruppe Komitee Sprachdienstleistungen.

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Dazu gehören übersetzungs- und mediengerechte Texterstellung, praxisnahe Terminologiearbeit und layoutspezifische und formatbedingte Vorgaben an die Dokumentenerstellung. Sie engagiert sich im Rahmen unterschiedlicher Mentoring-Programme für die Nachwuchsförderung. Darüber hinaus verfügt sie über eine mehrjährige Unterrichtserfahrung im universitären Bereich und in der Erwachsenenbildung und forscht im Bereich Dialogdolmetschen insbesondere im Gesundheitswesen , Translationsdidaktik und Translationsmanagement.

Sie hat Erfahrung als Abteilungsleiterin bzw. In-depth focused background reading is a student skill I came to appreciate. Creating space to learn new technologies is another skill, while choosing the right technology is still a skill acquisition in progress. Along with needing to know more about how and why things and people work resulting in CPD qualifications , a short stint helping to run a small agency gave me a glimpse of the wider world of translation, and I went on to learn about it through ITI and then FIT, being elected its Treasurer and, later, President of its Regional Centre in Europe.

I have seen the role of the translator change dramatically, from the loneliness of the long-hours translation to the involvement of teamwork and the creation of new careers within the industry. The themes for my session with you today are: Context is King. Content is responsibility.

Translation Speed Dating

Data is crucial to the industry. Teamwork is the thing. The string that holds it all together. Where do you fit in? Annette Schiller is an independent translator Ge-En specialising in academic, legal, architectural and financial translation. She has a PhD in translation studies and a diploma in legal studies. She teaches translation on undergraduate and postgraduate programmes at Dublin City University. Her interests include the professional status and recognition of translators, and continuing professional development for independent translators.

Bereits vor Abschluss des Studiums beginnt sie bei Interlingua zu arbeiten und spezialisiert sich auf Dolmetschmanagement und Untertitelungsprojekte. Seit ist sie als Übersetzerin in einer Patentanwaltskanzlei angestellt, wo sie anfangs Vollzeit arbeitete. Nach einigen Jahren verringerte sie auf Teilzeit und baute sich ein zweites Standbein als selbständige Übersetzerin und Dolmetscherin auf.

Monday, June 6, , 2 7 p. Henry B. Hansmann Professor of.

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