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Koch called three-time flyer Whitson, now 60, "a heroine of mine" and a "mentor" in the space programme after she surpassed the record. The spacewalk was initially postponed because the space station did not have two suits of the right size , leading to allegations of sexism.

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Ahead of the three-and-a-half hour journey back to Earth, Koch told NBC on Tuesday that she would "miss microgravity". Koch's medical data will be especially valuable to NASA scientists as the agency draws up plans for a long-duration manned mission to Mars. Koch's return comes after an advert for a skincare brand ran during an intermission in the American football Super Bowl with a call to "make space for women". The first woman in space was Soviet cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova whose spaceflight in is still the only solo mission carried out by a woman. Russia has sent only one woman to the ISS since expeditions began in - Yelena Serova whose mission launched in On the complaint of similar problems, 13, citizens of Kyrgyzstan appealed to Kyrgyz authorities, more than 8.

MIA filed 9 evidence-based cases last year.

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Several changes in procedure, civil and family codes, and increased penalties for violations of the procedural code have been introduced. According to a representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the KR, , interstate migrants have received Russian passports from to , , from to , 91, people from to , and 40, Kyrgyz citizens became owners of red passports last year. Jeenbekov meets Kyrgyz diaspora in St. Speaker of Parliament, Asylbek Jeenbekov, commented on the role of migrant workers in contributing to the economy of the country and assured that the problems of migrant workers will be raised at meetings of inter-parliamentary organizations in able to find solutions for them.

Migration outflow of Kyrgyzstanis decreased significantly in The demographic situation from January-December can be characterized by a decrease in external migration activity, according to the report of the government. Thus, between January and December , 5. Departure evasion at the expiration of the day stay period, the absence of a work permit or license, as well as administrative charges form the basis for a decision to bar foreign nationals from entry into the RF territory, or if foreign nationals are unwanted.

Six Kyrgyz citizens fined for false documents in Moscow In Moscow, a judge condemned six citizens of Kyrgyzstan. The court found that the Kyrgyz citizens used false documents deliberately. They did not have any foreign national work permit documents. The Autonomy was able to initiate and conduct a "Day of Assistance to Migrants," and several other workshops and meetings.

According to him, since the beginning of , 21 coffins have arrived in the country, including bodies of 7 Kyrgyzstanis killed in other countries. Belarus to ratify the agreement on labor migration from Tajikistan in the near future An intergovernmental agreement on temporary employment of citizens of Tajikistan in Belarus and Belarusian citizens in Tajikistan will be ratified by the Belarusian side in the near future.

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The Tajik side has already ratified the agreement. Now the Tajik government is taking measures on regulating labor migration flows, strengthening social protection of migrants, and raising their professional level, Russian language skills and specificities of the receiving country. During the week, a Migrants Day was also held. From May 15 to the end of the month, the doors of a public institution "Center for Adult Education of Tajikistan" were open for visits and registration in professional courses.

Labor migration from Tajikistan discussed in Volgograd The discussion touched upon issues of law implementation by law enforcement agencies with regard to labor migrants from Tajikistan, and upon issues of arrival and legalization of labor migrants from Tajikistan in the Volgograd region, as well as cooperation with the structures of the Republic, which have a license for the supply of labor going to Russia. In the last third of May the air-companies intend to reduce the cost of tickets to Moscow: the cost will be reduced from Euro to Euro The flights are scheduled for Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays.

Ensuring employment for citizens is a priority task The State Program on creation of jobs and employment for envisages the creation of more than , jobs. Hokim I. Dzhuraev reported on the process of creating new jobs, shortcomings made and problems in Shafirkan Raion of Bukhara oblast in the first quarter of In addition to running public awareness campaigns on state television, Uzbek law enforcement officials are also conducting street raids. Different passport stamps on permanent residency to be put in passports of Tashkent residents and visitors Instructions on rules and regulations of permanent residence in the city of Tashkent and Tashkent oblast were approved in Uzbekistan.

For citizens who received permanent residence in Tashkent and Tashkent oblast on the base of inheritance, guardianship, marriage, or appointment to a job, a special stamp of a permanent record will be affixed on the passport, which would indicate that the passport holder is legal in accordance with the relevant provisions of law.

Those citizens, who are not included in these categories, will receive usual stamps of continuing registration on their passports. Measures to counter human trafficking Tashkent has hosted a seminar on the results of a public awareness campaign to prevent and combat human trafficking. Participants of the seminar have deeply analyzed the work carried out on the ground of this issue. The director and actor T. Batalov came up with a project based on his own biography, therefore he played solo in the play. Uzbek citizen illegally staying in the Karaganda oblast of Kazakhstan arrested for 30 days A year-old citizen of Uzbekistan was recently arrested in Zhezkazgan of Kazakhstan.

During the check it turned out that he was expelled from the country by a court back in March for violating immigration laws. However, he had not obeyed the court decision. Automated system of control at entry and departure of foreigners can be arranged in one-two years The Director of the Federal Migration Service Konstantin Romodanovsky believes that the mass catching of illegal migrants will not be a panacea in solving problems of illegal migration and notes that an automated system of control at entry and departure of foreigners can be arranged in one to two years.

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Migrants in Russia to be monitored by an electronic document Not only an electronic document replacing the majority of existing paper documents, but also a special document monitoring migrants may appear soon in the country. Expert: Russia should toughen sanctions against expelled migrants A fierce dispute on the quality of execution of migration legislation took place during a conference which was held in St. Zholobov stated that the implementation of laws related to expulsion of foreigners from the territory of the RF raised many questions. MPs suggest discussing problems of migration to Leningrad oblast at federal level At a meeting with the head of the Leningrad oblast Valeri Serdukov and representatives of oblast administration, the deputies talked about issues of labor migration to the region.

Matvienko: St. Petersburg needs highly educated migrants At a meeting with the St. Petersburg businessmen, the chairman of the Council of Federation Valentina Matvienko said that now St. Petersburg not only is in need of laborers, but also of "highly educated migrants. Inflow of migrants not to be limited in Sakhalin The Sakhalin authorities will not limit the migrant inflow in the oblast. Participants of the recently held meeting of the Regional Committee of the Security Council on the border and immigration policy noted that the branch executive authorities, while reviewing applications, should give preference to specialists with a high professional level of qualification, who cannot be replaced by Russian citizens.

Urban and regional authorities are going to jointly develop a program on "Labor migration as a resource for socio-economic development of Tomsk oblast".


Its main objective is a comprehensive study of the socio-demographic situation in the region. First issue of Russian language courses for migrants to be held in Vladivostok The first issue of Russian language courses for migrant workers will be held in late May at the Russian school FEFU and in future the courses will be continued.

On completion of the course, graduates will receive a certificate that will help them in many cases, including obtaining a residence permit. Kaluga to open a detention center for illegal migrants Kaluga will open a detention center for foreign nationals subjected to deportation from the Russian Federation. Kaluga takes one of the first places on number of migrants working in the oblast. Marriage for the sake of citizenship The State Duma plans to review a bill stipulating divorce in case of a marriage contracted with the aim to obtain documents for temporary residence in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Moscow FMS Department sold work permits The Investigation Committee of Russia has completed an investigation of the illegal issuance of work permits for labor migrants.

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Gang selling fake documents in Metro arrested The Police of Moscow Metro has detained an organized criminal group engaged in designing and marketing counterfeit immigration documents. Kursk bailiffs expel 17 foreigners from Russia 17 foreign citizens from Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Bulgaria, Georgia and the Ukraine were evicted by bailiffs in Kursk oblast out of the Russian Federation.

As an administrative penalty, each was fined for a total of rubles to the administrative deportation from the Russian Federation. Also, the expelled persons are barred to enter Russian territory for 5 years. CIS introduces unified method of risk assessment in the field of migration Recently in Minsk, Chairman of the Joint Commission of the Commonwealth - the Agreement on cooperation in the fight against illegal migration, A.