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I lost my consciousness. In the end of this nightmare I woke up in a hospital. My arm was broken and I suffered from a terrible headache. When painkiller were brought by a cute young nurse my spirits rose. I spent two days in hospital. Back at home I met my girlfriend who had been rescued by a passing lorry driver in the middle of that terrible night. I was unable to give her a helping hand after I had been taken into ambulance.

Nor could I call her again due to my unconsciousness. After all we bought some wine and celebrated the happy end of this unintentionally adventure.

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When I arrived to the location I saw the car on the right side of the road. It was nearly covered by the snow and its lights was still turned on. Inmediatly I took her to my home and called the police. What I heard?

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Bad news. So I thought: nothing is not so bad that can't be worse. The authorities will close the roads if the weather get worse. So I drove as fast as I could trying not skid on the bends. I was driving for about forty minute when I saw her car stopped on the hard shoulder. For a couple of minutes I was glad to see her car, but suddenly I realized that she wasn't there. I was quite scared about that situation. As I know her mobile ran out the battery.

Where she is?

I looked everywhere near the car trying to found her. What should I do now? Stay here waiting for her? No, it's not the best option. So, I came back to my car and drove straight ahead on the road, hoping see her walking on the street. While I was driving again, my mobile rang. I told for myself: it is not time for wrong call.

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But fortunately I recognize the voice. I was so happy. So immediately I asked her: where are you right now? And she told me where she was and everything was fine. Finaly at home she told me what had happened. She said: while I was waiting for you, the road car service passed me and offered some help. Then they took me to de rank of service where I could call you. What a nightmare! I was waiting into the car until the storm finished.

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After that, I saw a small wood fire that I hadn't seen before. I started to run to the fire and there, I found with her. She was sitting in front of the fire and when she saw me, she was happy. I had become scared while i called to the police. Finally i had embraced her while she cried. I gut her to the home and now i am very happy for good ending.

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The only thing I saw when I arrived on the spot was her car with headlamps off pulled over on the side of the road. She seemed to be missing. I began to look around when suddenly my smartphone rang. I gave a sigh of relief at hearing her voice again. She told me that she had been rescued by police.

When I reached her at police station, she told me that she and her husband had broke up and then she had just set off to reach my house when her car broke down along the way. When I was coming down to the garage the lift stopped due probably to a power cut caused by the storm.

Driving dangerously with some centimeters of soft snow on the road I arrived to the address she gave me. When I arrived at the location, she was nowhere to be seen. Where could she be? The surrounding was quiet and dark. I got down the car and shout frantically for her name. No responses. Did I get the location wrong? What had happened to her? I tried to call her on her mobile phone but her phone had die. I was at lost on what to do next. I opened the car door and She was just fainted, thanks God.

Because the street was clean, no any rubbish on it. I looked around, there's nobody on the street. Oh, i forgot her phone doesn't work because of storm.

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Suddenly, i heard that a girl scream ''Help''. And that's it for this session. We hope you've enjoyed it. There's more about irregular verbs in Unit 11, here. In Session 2, we take a closer look at the words so , such , enough and too. How do I Phrase of the Day Features. Session 1 Break , broke , broken Activity 1. Activity 2. Activity 3. Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3. Activity 3 A snowy mystery. She called in the middle of the night To do The story is in the quiz - but there are some gaps. It was the middle of the night Begin activity. Help Close. Activity Fill the gaps in the story with the correct verb forms.

Continue the activity. Question 1 of 7 Help.