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July: 80 people suspected of sympathy for the rebels are killed by ANC forces in the Kabalo region. Thus, several territorial agents are shot at Wembo-Nyama on 2 August. The capture of Katako on 6 August is followed by the execution of the territory administrator and his assistant, two hereditary chiefs and ANC soldiers who had been taken prisoner. On 11 August, an unknown number of civil servants, policemen and military personnel some sources mention a figure of 70 are executed in public in the courtyard of the hospital at Lodja.

On 13 August, it is the turn of two prison guards to be shot in cold blood by Simba at Lusambo. Two days later, the APL shoot a dozen supporters of the National Party of Progress, the majority of them civil servants, in Lusambo stadium. The latter immediately set about tracking down intellectuals, anyone who is educated, has adopted a Western lifestyle, or has had a job with a white, even those who belong to a tribe that is out of, or even genuine Lumumbists who are victims of score-settling.

Between 14 and 19 August, in Place Lumumba in Stanleyville, in front of a crowd at fever pitch, several hundred people according to some sources are shot or killed with machetes, before being dismembered by Simba commanded by Alphonse Kingis Lantier, ; Mueller, ; Nothomb, ; Quinteyn, ; Sonck, n. An unknown number of Congolese are thrown into the River Tshopo. Moreover, 60 followers of the Kitawala sect are shot in the stadium.

According to some sources, more than 2, people were thus executed by the Simba in Stanleyville during the sixteen weeks of the CNL administration. They seem to have been even more large-scale than in Stanleyville, since they allegedly caused , deaths. The great majority of the Congolese of Paulis who know how to read and write are done to death with kicks, bludgeons, shards of broken bottles or blades, disemboweled, dowsed with petrol and burnt or killed by children and young adolescents supervised by Simba rebels.

More than rebels, including many wounded, are executed, after having been tortured or crucified on the trunks of the palm trees that line the shopping street the length of the lake.

Democratic Republic of the Congo - Wikipedia

September: Faced with the advance of APL forces, the ANC carries out bloody reprisals against the population of the Beni region suspected of being favorable to the rebellion. Gunfire is heard almost everywhere, mainly near rivers where many people are executed, with a death toll of at least civilians. In Beni, 84 people are executed.

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In Vuhovi, in the Bashu community, at least 15 civilians are burnt alive by the rebels. In total, the number of victims of the rebellion in the territory of Beni is reckoned to be more than 4, people executed or drowned in the river. These bombings prompt APL leaders to take the Europeans in the region hostage and threaten to kill them in the event of any new casualties. The following day, 30 European civilians are killed in a religious congregation on the left bank of the river.

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Between May and April , Western hostages, including Belgians, are executed in cold blood by Simba in the regions they control Onderzoekscommissie, , Let us note that of these only were killed before the intervention of Belgian troops and mercenaries. During the re-conquest operations, the mercenaries discover the bodies of Westerners in Stanleyville and Paulis. November—December: The pacification operations conducted under the leadership of Victor Nendaka by the ANC and white mercenaries cause an unknown number of deaths in all the recaptured territories.

The priority targets are Simba and supporters of Lumumba or the CNL, but very many innocent civilians suspected of collusion with the rebellion are also killed, as are ex-members of the ANC suspected of having rallied — whether voluntarily or not — to the ranks of the Simba. Killing African nationalists is like killing animals. My men and I killed between five and ten thousand Congolese rebels during the twenty months I spent in the Congo. The final toll of this repression has never been established exactly: however, some sources refer to tens of thousands of deaths.

According to several observers, the African housing estates that surround Stanleyville some of which were bombed with heavy weaponry lost half their population. The capital of Haut-Congo resembles a ghost town full of widows and deserted by the few men who have been able to escape the purge. Accused of being Mulelist fighters, the Banyarwanda are victims of a veritable manhunt.

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An unknown number of Banyarwanda of Mutobo, Kiroshe and various other villages of the chiefdom of Bashali Kayembe are arrested and tortured, before being thrown into Lake Vert. It affected all sectors of society. They were redistributed to the state bourgeoisie close to Mobutu who, by virtue of his lack of experience and predatory practices, was to plunge the country into economic chaos. They were repelled in May thanks to Operation Verveine mounted by Morocco with the help of France.

A year later, in March , the FLNC unleashed a new war by attacking the mining town of Kolwezi, where a large number of Westerners were resident. The Zairian regime rapidly retook control thanks to military interventions by France and Belgium to protect their expatriates. On 25 September, the ANC forces them to abandon the city and take refuge in Maniema, from where they negotiate their surrender with Colonel Bobozo.

In October, when the ANC arrives to conduct them home, 50 of them are executed without trial on their disembarkation at Leopoldville or Coquilhatville. July—August: When the mercenaries commanded by the Belgian Jean Schramme rebel in their turn in Stanleyville — they fear suffering the same fate as the diabos of the Baka regiment a few months earlier — and seize several towns in the east of the Congo before withdrawing to Rwanda, Belgium is attacked for the role it played in the secession of Katanga and the nationality of a large number of the rebel mercenaries.

Several mercenaries according to sources present in Kinshasa formerly Leopoldville , and suspected of colluding with the mutineers, are arrested on 6 July before being tortured and killed by ANC forces.

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  7. As the demonstrators disperse, the army proceeds to the arrest of the main leaders. Officially, the shooting has caused the death of six students. An unknown number of straying members of the Zairian armed forces and police are summarily executed by the rebels of the Front for the National Liberation of the Congo. On 12 January, the Zairian Armed Forces destroy the village of Mulemba, where they kill several dozen people. In the days that follow, the villages of Matende and Lukamba suffer the same fate.

    On 25 January, Martin Kasongo and thirteen of his disciples are handed over to the authorities by the population. They are publicly executed the same day. Concurrently with this execution, the repression affects every village of the Idiofa region. In total, the repression allegedy caused around deaths. However, some sources mention 2, victims.

    Chronology of the Democratic Republic of Congo/Zaire (1960-1997)

    Their trial begins two days later and ends on 16 March with 18 of the accused being condemned to death including three in absentia. May: The Zairian army carries out bloody reprisals against the population of Kolwezi, which had openly expressed its sympathy for the FLNC. The toll of this repression is difficult to establish. According to one witness, at least civilians were shot by machine gun in a quarry not far from Kolwezi. The purge also affects the Katangese Tigers in Kamina and Mbandaka.

    The attacks are conceived in such a way as to kill, by bullets or drowning, numerous trapped prospectors, who have no escape other than to throw themselves into the whirlpool of the river.

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    An initial operation carried out on 4 July at Luamwela causes the death of 50 excavators. A second, larger operation is conducted on 19 July at Katelakayi. Officially, the operation caused the death of 22 excavators, including one killed by a bullet. According to four parliamentarians, including Etienne Tshisekedi, who denounces the events, the intervention of the FAZ caused the death of more than excavators Kabuya-Lamuna, More detailed inquiries refer to at least deaths, including 97 listed by name. July: Several dozen civilian followers of the Kitchila sect are killed in Kikondja, Lubondaie and Malemba-Nkulu in Shaba by the Zairean Armed Forces, in the repression that follows the refusal by the population of these areas to pay a tax which they deemed excessive.

    Several dozen civilians suspected of complicity with the rebellion are executed at Moba during the second fortnight of November. The repression continues until December throughout the region of Moboa-Kalemie, creating an unknown number of victims. They cause dozens of deaths among the civilian population of the villages of the Beni region, who are accused of sheltering rebels or sympathizing with them. In total, , civilians are executed on the banks of the Semliki and thrown into the river. Having held this meeting without authorization, Etienne Tshisekedi is once again arrested and interned in a psychiatric hospital.

    The Zairian President was taken at his word and thousands of lists of grievances were drawn up throughout the country. The tour turned into a humiliation for the President, unprepared to see himself literally insulted by his people.

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    7. Too far removed from the everyday realities of Zaire, the old Marshal was shaken by the scale of the popular discontent, which expressed itself in an all-out critique of his regime: rejection of the single party MPR , execration of the security forces, denunciation of the concentration of power, popular economic distress faced with the chaos of the nomenklatura, and so on. On 24 April , drawing the lessons of the popular consultation, the Zairian President made a solemn speech in which he announced the end of the Second Republic, the advent of a democratic transition, the introduction of a multi-party system with three parties, a clear separation between party and state, the rehabilitation of the three traditional powers, a transitional government for a period of one year, the setting up of a commission charged with drafting a new constitution, and the abandonment of a whole series of external signs of rallying to the MPR.

      This transitional phase was supposed to end with free, democratic elections at all levels. On 6 October , faced with international pressure, President Mobutu conceded the establishment of a full multi-party system. But this concession rapidly proved to be a weapon of choice, in as much as it allowed him to rush the democratic transition in chaos, rapidly reducing it to a mere game of political strategy. In fact, no sooner had he been obliged to concede the holding of the National Conference than President Mobutu constantly sought to infiltrate it.

      Demonstrations proliferated, the repression became more violence, and the Church suspended its participation in the National Conference. This unrest led in September to revolts by soldiers reduced to poverty and expressing their exasperation. The following day, French and Belgian troops intervened to ensure the protection and repatriation of foreign nationals.

      However, his government lasted no longer than the time it took to be formed.

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      For the first time in Congo-Zaire, a Prime Minister acceded to his post via elections and not by the will of President Mobutu. Nevertheless, he was dismissed in January , following a monetary controversy linked to the circulation of the new note of five million Zaire. This ejection brought about a new crisis, which was to result in an institutional blockage of the transition. Thereafter, the radical opposition was increasingly marginalized — to such an extent that on the eve of the fall of the Mobutu regime, after six years of sterile constitutional debates, disavowals and notorious cases of poaching of opponents more concerned about their relative daily comforts than their political struggle, the Zairean political class had lost most of the credit it enjoyed abroad and inside the country.