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I accept. These values are lower than in other States in Mexico , and in some countries where the use of these pesticides was banned more than 30 years ago. Full Text Available We recorded the Blue-gray Tanager Thraupis episcopus on the southeastern coastal plain of the state of Guerrero , Mexico , in urban areas with cover of scattered trees of native and introduced species.

The current range known for this taxon comprises lowlands of eastern Mexico , from south-central Nuevo Leon to the Yucatan peninsula, including eastern Oaxaca and the Pacific slope on the coastal plain of Chiapas. However, there are no published previous records of the species in Guerrero. Possibly T. Comision Federal de Electricidad installed a kW wind turbine in the Guerrero Negro isolated electrical grid to evaluate, under actual operation conditions, the contribution of wind energy in the generation of electricity.

This paper describes the performance of the wind turbine in terms of its availability, power curve and electricity produced. The results have been satisfactory, electricity was supplied with a lesser fuel consumption than before. En este trabajo se describen los resultados del primer ano de operacion del aerogenerador en terminos de su disponibilidad, curva de potencia y generacion obtenida. Los resultados han sido satisfactorios, registrandose una reduccion en el consumo de combustible fosil en el sistema. Temporal analysis and fungicide management strategies to control mango anthracnose epidemics in Guerrero , Mexico.

The temporal progress of anthracnose Colletotrichum gloeosporioides epidemics was studied in mango Mangifera indica orchards treated with fungicides from different chemical groups, mode of action, and application sequences in two regions of contrasting climates sub-humid and dry tropics in Guerrero , Mexico. Epidemics started days after swollen buds, and maximum severity was attai Slow slip events in Guerrero , Mexico , and consequences on strain accumulation over the past 15 years. Radiguet, M. The existence of these SSEs asks the question of how seismic and aseismic slips complement each other in subduction zones.

The slip distributions on the plate interface associated with each SSE, as well as the inter-SSE short-term coupling rates are evaluated by inverting these surface displacements. Our results reveal that the three analyzed SSEs have equivalent moment magnitudes of around 7. The slip distributions for the three SSEs show that in the Guerrero gap area, the slow slip occurs at shallower depth updip limit around km than in surrounding regions.

The joint inversion of InSAR and cGPS data confirms the lateral variation of the slip distribution along the trench, with shallower slip in the Guerrero seismic gap, west of Acapulco, and deeper slip further east. Inversion of inter-SSE displacement rates reveal that during the inter-SSE time intervals, the interplate coupling is high in the area where the slow slip subsequently occurs. Moreover, the regions of large slip deficit coincide with the rupture areas of recent large earthquakes.

We conclude that the SSEs account for a major portion of the overall moment release budget in the Guerrero gap. If large. Se identificaron 17 especies de Cyanobacteria, 93 Rhodophyta, 28 Chlorophyta y 25 de Heterokontophyta. We present results on the study on benthic marine algae in 7 localities from the west coast of Guerrero , Mexico. We report species: 17 Cyanobacteria, 93 Rhodophyta, 28 Chlorophyta and 25 Heterokontophyta.

Fifty four are new records for Guerrero ; while Myrionema strangulans Greville and Acrochaete ramosa N. Gardner O'Kelly are new to the Pacific coast of Mexico. Each species includes data on its distribution, reproductive stages, tidal level, facies, epiphytism and herbarium's number.

Species diversity was compared for 2 different climatic seasons. The Rhodophyta are dominant in terms of diversity in relation to the other groups. The algal flora of the northwest coast of Guerrero is tropical and the greatest diversity was found during dry seasons. Insights into the causal relationship between slow slip and tectonic tremor in Guerrero , Mexico.

La Voz (Mexican season 9) - Wikipedia

Similar to other subduction zones, tectonic tremors TTs and slow-slip events SSEs take place in the deep segment of the plate interface in Guerrero , Mexico. However, their spatial correlation in this region is not as clear as the episodic tremor and slip observed in Cascadia and Japan.

In this study we provide insights into the causal relationship between TTs and SSEs in Guerrero by analyzing the evolution of the deformation fields induced by the long-term SSE together with new locations of TTs and low-frequency earthquakes LFEs. This means that the causal relationship between the SSE and the TT activity directly depends on the stressing rate history of the tremor asperities that is modulated by the surrounding slip rate.

We estimated that the frictional strength of the asperities producing tremor downdip in the sweet spot is around 3. Based on the LFE occurrence-rate history during the interlong-term SSE period, we determined that the short-term SSEs in Guerrero take place further downdip about 35 km than previously estimated, with maximum slip of about 8 mm in the sweet spot.

This new model features a continuum of slow slip extending across the entire tremor region of Guerrero. Metals in some lagoons of Mexico. The concentrations of metals, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn were determined in some lagoons to establish the level of metal pollution. The concentrations were determined in water, oyster Crassostrea virginica , and sediments.

Metals were accumulated in either oysters or sediments. Cu and Zn were higher in oysters and Fe and Mn were higher in sediments.

List of Papers, with Their Subjects.

The results in water samples were compared with the limit established by the Secretaria de Ecologia and Desarrollo Urbano Report and briefly discussed. Environmental history of the dry forest biome of Guerrero , Mexico , and human impact during the last c. Two lake sediment cores from Madre del Sur mountain range, Guerrero State, west-central Mexico were studied to examine the past dynamics of the dry forest biome. Pollen, spores of coprophilous fungi, cyanobacteria and lithological changes are presented.

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Brittle and ductile friction modeling of triggered tremor in Guerrero , Mexico. Low frequency earthquakes LFEs , which make up the highest amplitude portions of non-volcanic tremor, are mostly found along subduction zones at a depth of km which is typically within the brittle-ductile transition zone. Previous studies in Guerrero , Mexico demonstrated a relationship between the bursts of LFEs and the contact states of fault interfaces, and LFEs that triggered by different mechanisms were observed along different parts of the subduction zone.

To better understand the physics of fault interfaces at depth, especially the influence of contact states of these asperities, we use a brittle-ductile friction model to simulate the occurrence of LFE families from a model of frictional failure and slip. This model takes the stress state, slip rate, perturbation force, fault area, and brittle-ductile frictional contact characteristics and simulates the times and amplitudes of LFE occurrence for a single family.

We examine both spontaneous and triggered tremor occurrence by including stresses due to external seismic waves, such as the Maule Earthquake, which triggered tremor and slow slip on the Guerrero section of the subduction zone. By comparing our model output with detailed observations of LFE occurrence, we can determine valuable constraints on the frictional properties of subduction zones at depth. This species is similar to S. Esta especie es similar a S. Se identificaron 35 especies, de las cuales tres son nuevos registros para el intermareal rocoso de Guerrero : las familias mejor representadas en riqueza de especies fueron Ischnochitonidae y Arcidae, y en abundancia Chitonidae y Chamidae; la densidad fue de 31,60 ind m La riqueza de especies de moluscos registrada se considera alta y corresponde a lo esperado para un sustrato rocoso en zona tropical.

The State of Guerrero , Mexico , has priority marine areas for conservation of its biodiversity, but information concerning diversity of mollusks is limited, so it is convenient to carry out species inventories, studies of populations and community ecology.