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Many need some good juice in their system to open up. Even taking something like explaining elements of their culture such as why do Japanese celebrate New Years in their home town, many cannot answer. This problem extends itself into many facets of life. We have many stories.

We need a change of education from the roots. Countries that maintain natural gender roles have the highest birth rates by far. All the countries that try to "let's get women focused on their careers" thing have dismal birthrates.


Moreover, men cannot produce human breastmilk, which is by far the healthiest food for infants. The actually act of suckling on a mother's breast also builds love, empathy and bonding between child and parent. Stay-at-home dads can't provide that in the same capacity as mothers can. It can also be a matter of upbringing as well. My own father didn't tell me anything valuable about women or dating. Also, the generally appalling communication skills many people have.

They just stay silent and, yes, start playing with their phone. Those countries with high birth rates are very often cultures with high levels of inequality, high levels of poverty, and high material and child death rates, because too many children is bad for women physically and puts families in poverty. Don,t really agree In cultures where people marry at 20 and start having children soon, boys and girls are raised by 3 or sometimes 4 generations.

A girl's grandmother is 45, and still strong and healthy. Her mother is 22 so her body is very fit and can provide ample nutrients to her via breast milk and she has tonnes of strength and energy to take care of her. The simple, traditional way of life is not all bad. For many people it beats the corporate slave thing where you end up getting married at 45 and raise 1 kid who has no brothers or sisters.

What's the point in trying to argue for traditional relationships when they haven't been suitable for or wanted by most people since the s? Even before then, for lower-income famlies, it was absolutely essential for financial reasons that both the man and the woman worked - the woman, of course, only able to do that in between pregnancies and some time spent in child-raising, a situation she was rescued from by the advent of easily available contraception.

Including in Japan. Of course if men and women can't or won't get together and talk to each other first, e. Hence Japan's current demographic problem, at least partly - other countries, of course, have immigration programs to overcome their own low birth rates. I suppose the "dating" described in the article is better than just giving up - but to someone who grew up with dating the old-fashioned way, it sure looks pretty unappealing.

No, it's not a matter of opinion. It is a fact that giving women a choice leads to greater fulfillment. I don't see how advocating for everyone being given a choice is trying to "be the boss of everyone". It seems to me that advocating for giving people a choice is the opposite of dictating one way to everyone. Yes, there are. But there are also advantages to having one child, or never having children at all. Factors that need to be considered when individuals are weighing the advantages and disadvantages include whether or not someone wants children, income level, and whether help with childcare is available, among others.

Well, generally yes, though I would point out that there are very few places in the world where 3 or even 4 generations live together.

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In addition older mothers' breast milk actually has higher fat content, which is better for babies - I googled that, since I was genuinely curious and I wanted to know whether your claim was accurate. As it turns out, there aren't many studies on the subject at all. It doesn't seem to be of any great concern. No doubt that is true for some women. My younger sister has wanted to be a stay-at-home mom since forever, and got a degree in childhood education and was a nanny for years before having her own baby. Now she is very happy stay-at-home mom.

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We are pretty much opposites in our lifestyles, but we get on great since neither of us have any need to judge the other for her personal choices. And I love being an aunt. A group of experts advising the government on how to boost marriage numbers has said that companies should aid employees hoping to wed by holding events to help them meet potential partners, but it ditched a proposal to create a "marriage-hunting mentor" system in From tech products to movies, the recent advent of crowdfunding has allowed companies and creators to make their dreams a reality.

  • Tongue-tied singles turn to high-tech matchmaking services to help break the ice - Japan Today.
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But year-old Tomoko Takebe has a more personal goal in mind — to find herself a husband. Is the couple that watches sports together the couple that going to stay together? Matchmakers place their bets. Deposit your money at a bank in northern Japan and you could get more than interest payments. You might end up getting married.

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This weekend, depositors at Tsuruoka Shinkin Bank — single men and women with an average age of 32 — are invited With busy schedules and long commutes commonplace, overworked employees barely have time to rest, let alone find a significant other. Burdened by responsibilities, an increasing number of young people are giving up on love and resigning to solitude, possibly becoming so-called "parasite singles. The situation seems dire.

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Like their male counterparts, they are overworked and too exhausted to engage in activities outside of work. According to the Japan Times , many appear to have sadly given up on love. By and by, working women feel reluctant to "waste time" on dating opportunities they feel won't lead anywhere. Men, on the other hand, express more of an interest in dating but are reluctant to get hitched. They feel that marriage will burden them with responsibilities they are too busy to shoulder.

Tongue-tied singles turn to high-tech matchmaking services to help break the ice

Despite all the bad news, Japanese singletons still entertain the notion of "true love. While single people struggle to find the opportunity to date, only a minority currently continue the tradition. Rather, most are instead looking to konkatsu matchmaking parties and speed-dating parties to fill the gap and help them find that special someone. A sign the future is upon us, lovelorn individuals in lockdown are meeting virtually while shier singles are turning to AI-powered bots to do the talking for them.

Over the last decade, perennially single adults have increasingly turned to matchmaking services such as matchmaking parties as they search for a partner. These events are held at upscale venues such as hotels and provide the lovelorn a chance to mingle over finger food and drinks.

Participants are screened, and certain requirements like employment status and salary are often stipulated. During the current pandemic, although in-person parties have been canceled, the need has not decreased. Although the service was available before the lockdown, sparsely attended events jumped in popularity in March and April. According to the LMO President, Kota Takada, "Following the virus outbreak, we were set to cancel a face-to-face matchmaking scheduled for March, but it suddenly came to my mind to hold it in a virtual format.

Japan is experiencing a rapid decline in fertility as single people struggle to find the time to meet. As such, Takada predicts that this shift online will persist even after the lockdown has ended. LMO Corp is not the only matchmaking service leveraging technology to bring individuals together. Contents Innovation Program launched a event that employed AI robotics bridging the gap between tongue-tied daters.

Participants answered a question survey and loaded their responses into the droid.