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Brazil has been rated as one of the countries where the most gay people are killed. According to the report "Epidemic of Hate", published in by the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission , at least 1, gays, lesbians and transsexuals were killed in Brazil alone in a decade. According to the Grupo Gay da Bahia GGB , Brazil's largest and most active gay organization, a gay, lesbian or transvestite is brutally murdered every two days due to homophobia , with a total of in one year alone.

First, a vast percentage of homophobia-related crimes go unreported. Second, a large number of hate crimes in Brazil are committed by police officers, thus elevating the number of people unwilling to report a crime. Moreover, brutality against lesbians can often take the form of violent rape; if a victim comes forward, the charge will be rape, not a hate crime against a lesbian. In the directors' view, the hate crimes come from different segments of society, and that the Catholic Church and radical evangelical groups are also responsible for the rising intolerance, when they actively fight against the civil rights of non-heterosexuals.

The film exposes life in metropolitan Rio de Janeiro, where various perpetrators murder members of the LGBT community with impunity. Among the victims were gay men and lesbians, but also a large number of transsexuals.

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The numbers produced by the Grupo Gay da Bahia GGB have occasionally been contested on the grounds that they include all murders of LGBT people reported in the media — that is, not only those motivated by prejudice against homosexuals. Reinaldo de Azevedo, columnist of the right-wing Veja magazine, Brazil's most-read weekly publication, called the GGB's methodology "unscientific" based on the above objection. A Brazilian gay blog that has investigated a few of the murders of gay people reported in the media — including some used by the GGB in its national statistic report — determined that the majority of murders from their chosen sample were committed by the partners of the victims or those who were otherwise sexually involved with them e.

This was an increase compared to murders and murders. When divided by race, were white Firearms were the most commonly used instruments in these crimes. The northern and central-western parts of Brazil recorded the most homicides, with the state of Alagoas registering the highest percentage of murders.

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According to association Transgender Europe , Brazil has the highest number of murdered transgender people, with homicides between and , far ahead of Mexico , and nearly half of 2. During the presidential elections in Brazil, all five presidential candidates were favorable to same-sex civil unions, including the elected President Dilma Rousseff. In , there were political candidates who signed the Brazilian Association of Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals and Transsexuals 's "Declaration of Commitment". The Brazilian executive power has guaranteed many rights to LGBT Brazilians , such as the same social security pension benefits that heterosexual couples receive; [] the creation of the federal LGBT Council; [] prison visitation by same-sex couples; [] same income tax benefits that heterosexual couples receive; [] federal government recognition of same-sex marriages or same-sex civil unions for immigration purposes ; [] health benefits for same-sex couples and mandatory health plans in the country; [] and LGBT people have a special place in Brazilian prisons, separate from other prisoners.

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Transsexuals have the right to be called by social name and not by birth name and be forwarded to women's prisons. LGBT people in prisons also have the right to choose male or female clothing. When she took office, she defied the dress code norms insisting that her wardrobe would be strictly feminine and insisted on using the women's restroom. She was already the president of the Chamber of Parliament in two occasions.

President Jair Bolsonaro , elected to the Brazilian presidency in October , has drawn controversy for his homophobic rhetoric. As "a self-declared homophobe", Bolsonaro has said he would prefer a dead son than a gay one. The plan may also play an important role in the approval of a law which would criminalize homophobic acts. It includes: [].

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The event, the first in the world to be convened by a government, is a result of demands made by civil society and the Brazilian Government's support of LGBT rights. The Conference adopted the theme "Human rights and public policies: the way forward for guaranteeing the citizenship of Lesbians, Gay Men, Bisexuals, Transvestites and Transsexuals.

An evaluation was made of the federal government programme Brazil Without Homophobia to combat violence and discrimination against the LGBT population. The holding of the conference coincided with the commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and reaffirmed the Federal Government's commitment to the issue of LGBT human rights. It's a giant's stride forward for Brazil. There were a further observers. Prior to the National Conference, conferences were held in Brazil's 27 states , convened by the state governors, in order to develop complementary proposals for the national policy document, define state-level policies and elect the delegates to the National Conference.

More than conferences were held at a municipal level.

Brazil is a secular state , in which there exists a separation of church and state. The country's most followed religion is Catholicism. The Catholic Church teaches that homosexual acts are disordered and immoral , but some more progressive bishops in Brazil have a hard time divulging it publicly. And while most of the conservative churches keep silent on the issue, Brazil has seen the growth of gay-friendly churches such as the Metropolitan Community Church , a denomination which originated in the United States.

Apart from religious people, moral disapproval of homosexuality has been rare, because of the social pressures condemning prejudice and homophobia. Among evangelicals, there are some campaigns to reach out to homosexual men and women. Movimento pela Sexualidade Sadia Social Movement for a Healthy Sexuality , an evangelical group headed by an ex-homosexual , leads efforts to evangelize in gay parades, talking about Christianity to participants and delivering leaflets featuring the testimonials of "ex-gays" and "ex-lesbians". There may be a religious factor in Brazilian homosexuality.

For a comparison, there are some 19, recognized Catholic parishes in Brazil. Many famous Brazilians turn to Afro-Brazilian religions in search of miracles to solve personal or family problems. In June , the General Synod of Anglican Episcopal Church of Brazil voted to change its marriage canon to allow same-sex couples to get married.

The main opponents of the advances of the gay rights movement in Brazil have generally been conservatives. Religion is the most cited reason for opposing gay rights. Regionally, opposition to the gay rights movement has been strongest in rural interior regions. Catholic and evangelical politicians have also been trying to counter gay rights through the introduction of bills.

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It strove to ban public kissing between people of the same sex. State representative Edino Fonseca, an Assembly of God government minister, introduced a bill in the Legislative Assembly of Rio de Janeiro to establish social services to support men and women wanting to "leave" homosexuality.

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He also introduced a bill to protect evangelical groups offering assistance to such men and women from discrimination and harassment. The latter bill faced severe opposition as well. The parade happens yearly, usually in June. It is the beginning of Brazilian winter, when temperatures are lower, but rains are rare. The main strategy is to occupy public spaces so as to make possible an effective exchange of experiences, elevate the self-esteem of homosexuals and sensibilise society towards tolerance and acceptance of differences. During the parade, LGBT people "unite and help build bridges and guarantee the plenitude of their rights".

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. LGBT rights in Brazil.

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Main article: Same-sex marriage in Brazil. Main article: Same-sex adoption in Brazil. Main article: Anti-discrimination laws in Brazil. Main article: Transgender rights in Brazil. This article is about current LGBT rights around the world. Main article: Same-sex immigration policy in Brazil. LGBT portal Brazil portal. Archived from the original on June 15, Retrieved May 14, May 15, Retrieved May 7, May 6, — via www.

Archived from the original on July 7, New York Times.

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Retrieved September 19, Supremo Tribunal Federal in Portuguese. Pink News. We campaigned on important issues such as religious freedom, gender equality, and a two state solution.