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The first excavations yielded charcoal deposits with Carbon dates of 48, to 32, years BP. Repeated analysis has confirmed this dating, carrying the range of dates up to 60, BP. Guidon has established 15 distinct levels, classified in three cultural phases, called Pedra Furada , that includes the oldest remains; and Serra Talhada , from 12, to 7, BP, with tools such as knives , scrapers , flakes used "as is" or with some retouch and lithic cores , all made of quartz or quartzite.

Third is Agreste late phase. The site also has hundreds of rock paintings dated from 5, to 11, years ago. More recently, the site of Toca da Tira Peia , also in Serra da Capivara National Park, was shown to have signs of human presence dating to 22, years ago.

Discoveries Challenge Beliefs on Humans’ Arrival in the Americas

Also the nearby site of Sitio do Meio has been excavated over the years. Although not as old, in some ways it helps to support and clarify the chronology of Pedra Furada. The lithics at Sitio do Meio are better preserved. The discoveries are the subject of debate as they apparently contradict the longstanding " Clovis first " view for the settlement of humans in the Americas , which holds that the first inhabitants of the continent were representatives of the Clovis culture , which began roughly 11, BP.

As a result, scholars have proposed alternate scenarios for the routes of colonization and the diffusion of culture through the continents, in a heated dispute that has not been resolved. The mainstream view of the peopling of the Americas, also known as the short chronology theory, is that the first movement beyond Alaska into the New World occurred no earlier than 15, — 17, years ago, followed by successive waves of immigrants. A re-dating, with more modern techniques in the s came up with an age of 2, years.

Debate continues as to whether or not the artifacts and hearths are instead geofacts that were made naturally, or alternatively, made by monkeys. Wild bearded capuchin monkeys Sapajus libidinosus in Serra da Capivara National Park have been observed smashing stones against rocks embedded in the ground. The resulting 'shaped' rocks and flakes are similar to early hominid tools and flakes. It has been suggested that similar behavior, by earlier simians, might account for what have been regarded as human tools at Pedra Furada. James Adovasio of Florida Atlantic University believes that the tools identified by Guidon as human made are rocks that fell from a cliff and broke when they hit the ground.

The capuchin behavior also has implications for interpretations of the simplest Oldowan technology in East Africa. Responding to this Guidon suggested a sea voyage across the Atlantic as a potential route for the first migration.

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In an article in the New York Times Guidon claimed occupation of the Americas could go back , years and the first settlers 'might have come not overland from Asia but by boat from Africa'. Michael R. Guidon has said that, "The carbon is not from a natural fire. It is only found inside the sites. You don't get natural fires inside the shelters", and adding that "The problem is that the Americans criticize without knowing.

The problem is not mine.

Prehistoric Brazil artifacts star in exhibit, spark debate

The problem is theirs. Other sites, including Valsequillo in Mexico and Monte Verde in Chile, also indicate the presence of communities tens of thousands of years ago. These sites have led archeologists to speculate that peoples traveled various routes to reach the Americas and at different stages, archeologist Gisele Daltrini Felice told AFP.

The interior of the Piaui region is marked by widespread poverty, which has much to gain from tourism, Guidon stressed. But resources are lacking to promote the attractions in a remote corner of the giant nation, she said. The nearest city is the modest town of Sao Raimundo Nonato, which has spent years trying to have an airport built. And the foundation behind research into the park is backing development projects -- including a ceramics factory that reproduces images of the cave art, a program aimed at giving local women work experience. Voters across the country, except in Bangkok and Pattaya, will get to elect local representatives on Sunday in the first such polls in six years.

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  • Pedra Furada - Wikipedia.
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  • Serra da Capivara National Park | SpringerLink?

By Properties. Cultural Criteria: i ii iii iv v vi Natural Criteria: vii viii ix x. Category Cultural Natural Mixed. All With videos With photo gallery. Country Region Year Name of the property. Without With.

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Serra da Capivara National Park Many of the numerous rock shelters in the Serra da Capivara National Park are decorated with cave paintings, some more than 25, years old. Serra da Capivara National Park. In the light of these new findings, the region represents one of the most significant archaeological sites in the world and the property is an outstanding testimony to one of the oldest human communities of South America Criterion iii : The Serra da Capivara National Park bears exceptional testimony to one of the oldest populations to inhabit South America.

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Integrity The inscribed property contains a multiplicity of attributes that warrant its Outstanding Universal Value. Authenticity The Serra da Capivara National Park contains evidence of the settlement by cultural groups in the area for thousands of years. WebGL must be enable, see documentation.