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Its rich cultural history makes it a natural destination for so many creative energies, especially young students from around the globe.

Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University

It has a bustling economy, mainly fuelled by its historical and geographic advantages. One of the largest tourist destinations in the world, Istanbul is also the educational engine of Turkey and it offers a competitive mix of Europe and Asia, with a clear pragmatic approach to international education. Its affordable prices and majestic scenery entice even the most reluctant foreign student.

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The most numerous programme options are the MBAs and Bachelors in finance, business, commerce, political science and international relations, alongside the many specialised degree choices in engineering. Some of the consolidated study programmes available are in the area of food safety and bioengineering. The Bachelors and Masters programmes in social sciences and humanities include in their curriculum a clear pedagogical approach, being oriented towards the training of future teaching staff. For the other, more applied sciences, the teaching methods are combined with field and laboratory practice, often in partnership with private enterprises.

Universities also have options for online courses in business, healthcare management or computer science, as well as specialised graduate schools organising PhD studies in engineering, economics, political science, computer engineering and history. Istanbul has a strong and diverse economy, with tourism being the largest sector, with thousands of hotels, restaurants and tourist attractions gathering employees with degrees in business or tourism and hospitality management.

The rest of the services sector completes the job market alongside finance and the local industries. The largest employer for finance and business majors is the Istanbul Stock Exchange, alongside the Big4 audit giants. For IT and computer science graduates, potential job destinations include companies like Siemens, Huawei, Vodafone, Philips or IBM, which have important headquarters in the city. Istanbul is a great place for sightseeing, with numerous pedestrian walkways, squares and parks, as well as docks and bridges from where to admire the scenery. There are several options for ferries and boats which offer trips through the Bosphorus Strait, the Black Sea and the Sea of Marmara.

Istanbul also has a rich sports life, with many valuable soccer teams, as well as world-renown basketball teams. Within the SuperDorm there are a cafeteria, a computer room, a game room and lounge, and laundry facilities.

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Both Turkish and foreign students stay in SuperDorm and are consciously intermingled in order to maximize their opportunity to interact with students from a wide variety of cultures. SuperDorm also houses an international student counselor and a housing supervisor, both of whom complement the work of the International Relations Office by orienting students to life at BU, in Istanbul, and throughout the region.

The fall semester starts in mid-September and ends in early January; the spring semester beings in early February and ends in June; and a summer term spans July and August. The application process is initiated in and coordinated through the Study Abroad Office. The application procedure is necessarily lengthy, due to the requirements of international study and the need to maintain satisfactory progress toward graduation from Hanover.

Hanover College

The application deadlines are strictly enforced. Consult your academic advisors or the study abroad advisor early in your career, so that you can plan ahead. Studying off-campus for a term requires careful planning to ensure timely completion of the Liberal Arts Degree Requirements and major course requirements.

Obtain a passport and visa. See the Study Abroad Office for information on obtaining these documents.

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The holder is eligible for basic medical, accident, and illness insurance, and gains a variety of discounts. Our faculty that have visited BU include Drs. Appelt, Baecle, Krantz, Buchman, Johnson, and Thornton, all of whom are happy to answer your questions. Learn more about outcomes.

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Academics Study Abroad Turkey. The University BU was established as Robert College by Americans in and slowly expanded until , when it was reorganized and administration was placed in the hands of Turkish nationals, thus being transformed into Bogazici University. The Setting With roots predating BC, Istanbul nee Byzantium, then Constantinople is a huge, modern city with a range of historical, educational, recreational, and social activities exceeding the expectations of a city of over 10 million people.

About Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University

Travel Buses, ferries, and countless taxis provide readily available, inexpensive transport within the city. Housing Hanover students stay in the modern "SuperDorm. Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University is a modern private institution, founded in However, the university at the same time sees itself in a historical context.

Those claims centre on a main building dating which has been home to the Agricultural College since Its rector argues that "although our university is new in terms of its foundation, it is a well-established institution in terms of its culture, intellectual accumulation and expertise". The university is strong in the social sciences and humanities, and can also point to high-quality faculties of engineering and architecture.