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Do these reviews help you learn more about working at Santander? A study by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro indicated that the expected peak of COVID in the state will occur in the first fortnight of June, while deaths could rise to 30, if more stringent isolation measures were not adopted. Despite the fact that Brazil has in the last few days risen to become the country with the second-highest number of cases in the world behind the US, various cities have relaxed restrictions, as is the case of Niteroi, in the Rio metropolitan region, and Duque de Caxias, the second municipality with more deaths in the region.

In Niteroi, beauty salons, hotels, real estate agencies, hotels and garages, among other businesses, are open with some sanitary protocols, such as the offer of hand sanitizer, distancing between people and the mandatory use of masks. In Duque de Caxias, a municipal decree allowed the reopening of all commercial activities, which led dozens of people to the streets, but a judicial decision later determined that businesses should remain closed. On Monday thousands of people crowded the sidewalks and queued to access shops in various sectors.

The Maranhao governorate announced a "gradual and secure" process for the reopening of economic activities in the state, which will be carried out in stages over 45 days. In the city of Belo Horizonte, shopping malls, hairdressers and other businesses reopened Monday with long queues of waiting customers, despite fears of the mayor''s medical team regarding the relaxation of isolation measures.

Full Text Available Sedimentological and radiocarbon investigations are part of an ongoing research on the Bay -head delta of northeast Guanabara Bay , Rio de Janeiro State.

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Sediment accumulation indicates that the Holocene infill of the bay -head delta started around 8. Sediment accumulation was faster during the transgressive phase 0. However, during the regressive phase, progradation driven by base-level fall was predominant over vertical sediment accumulation 0. Based on coring, three sedimentary units were defined: fluvial sands U1, estuarine deposits U2 and fluvial mud U3.

Nutrition surveys in Burma and northeast Brazil. Participation of the author in the Interdepartmental Committee on Nutrition for National Defense sponsored nutrition surveys of Burma and northeast Brazil is described. These surveys not only collected important data on nutritional status but also guided the subsequent research interests of the author. The Brazil survey results contributed to the creation of legislation that mandated the addition of water-dispersible vitamin A to skimmed-milk powder products.

This additive has greatly diminished the likelihood of vitamin A deficiency syndrome occurring in children after famine relief efforts. Granite-types in Northeast Brazil : current knowledge. Several granitoids in Northeast Brazil , located within the Cachoeirinha-Salgueiro foldbelt CSF , Pernambuco and Paraiba States, Brzil, were analysed, studying the geochemistry of rare earths and the behavior of oxygen isotopes. Case studies of northeast Brazil and northeast Thailand highlight the importance of a subnational approach to comparative research.

Compares geographic and economic conditions, regional culture, ethnicity and gender issues, migration patterns, religion, literacy, and educational underdevelopment.

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Points out that neglect of a region and its peopleā€¦. Based on the result of several sedimentological studies performed in the 's, five surface sedimentary facies were identified inside the bay , namely i transgressive siliciclastic marine sand facies; ii transgressive bay sand-mud facies; iii a transgressive carbonate marine sand facies; iv regressive bay -mud facies, and v regressive fluvial sand facies.

The spatial distribution of these facies would follow, somewhat closely, the hydrodynamic-energy distribution inside the bay. Seismic profiles along the bay bottom indicate the existence of several paleochannels, m deep, blanketed at least by three different sedimentary units. A spatiotemporal evaluation of butyltin contamination was performed between and along Todos os Santos Bay Northeast Brazil using surface sediments, bivalve tissues Anomalocardia brasiliana and Mytella guyanensis , and imposex occurrence Stramonita rustica.

The TBT levels detected in M. In spite of that, recent inputs are still evident at this region. Nevertheless, a reduction of imposex parameters in S. The TBT contamination is probably reducing due to the national and international legislative restrictions on the use of TBT as antifouling biocide. The contamination levels, however, are still relevant especially in the inner part of Todos os Santos Bay since they are above those that are likely to cause toxicity to the biota.

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Cultural significance of primary teeth for caregivers in Northeast Brazil. This anthropological study critically evaluates Brazilian caregivers' symbolic production and significance of their malnourished offspring's primary teeth, as well as their own, and describes popular dental practices. Participant observation of clinical pathways and home environments supplemented the data. Content analysis was performed. Results confirm that primary teeth are imbued with cultural significance in Northeast Brazil. Mothers examine mouths, perceive signs of decay, associate primary with permanent tooth healthiness, identify ethnodental illnesses, seek assistance, and perform rituals with exfoliated teeth.

The mother's motivation to care for primary teeth is sparked by her memories of past toothache and attempts to avoid stigma and discrimination. Social determinants, not mothers' beliefs or behaviors, are the most critical obstacles to effective dental care. Legitimizing lay knowledge and empowering caregivers and children can improve oral health in Northeast Brazil.

Serologic detection of coccidioidomycosis antibodies in northeast Brazil. Coccidioidomycosis is a systemic infection caused by Coccidioides spp. The disease is endemic in Brazil but its incidence is underreported as it is not a notifiable disease. This article presents the results of a serologic survey carried out with volunteers in northeast Brazil by the immunodiffusion ID test with commercial Coccidioides spp. The commercial ID test detected 15 individuals without clinical diagnosis of the disease and two individuals in treatment for coccidioidomycosis.

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  8. Regarding the epidemiological data, most of the positive individuals were male, between 18 and 65 years of age and were engaged in armadillo hunting. Three women who had never participated in armadillo hunts also displayed positive results for coccidioidal antibodies. Besides armadillo hunts, exposure to environmental dust in endemic areas may account for the serologic response detected in the study.

    The data from this study suggest the importance of performing epidemiological surveys for coccidioidomycosis in order to understand the prevalence of this disease in Brazil. Potential evapotranspiraion data from the RCM and from the CMIP5 global models were analyzed over Northeast Brazil , a semiarid region with a short rainy season usually February to May in its northern portion due to the seasonal shift of the Intertropical Convergence Zone and over which droughts are frequent.

    Significant changes in the potential evapotranspiration were found, with most models showing a increasing trend along the 21st century, which are expected to alter the surface water budget, increasing the current water deficit precipitation is currently much smaller than potential evapotranspiration. Based on the projections from the majority of the models, we expect important impacts over local agriculture and water resources over Northeast Brazil.

    Hydrography and circulation in the western Bay of Bengal during the northeast monsoon. Shetye, S. Recent model studies lead us to conclude that the EICC during the northeast monsoon is driven by winds along the east coast of India and Ekman pumping in the interior bay. In the south, Ekman pumping over Equine infectious anemia prevalence in feral donkeys from Northeast Brazil. Equine infectious anemia virus EIAV is an important cause of morbidity and mortality throughout the world. Although the virus infects all members of the Equidae the vast majority of studies have been conducted in horses Equus caballus with comparatively little information available for other equid species.

    Brazil has one of the most abundant donkey E. As a result, considerable numbers of donkeys especially in the Northeast of the country have been released and allowed pursue an almost feral existence. Consequently, this large and growing population constitutes a significant risk as a reservoir for the maintenance and transmission of important equine infectious diseases such as glanders and equine arteritis virus in addition to EIAV. Serum samples were collected from donkeys without obvious EIA clinical signs.

    Subsequent testing revealed seropositive rates of 1.

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    However, Such high false positive rates have not been observed previously with serum samples from horses. Another highly significant finding is that Although this could result from recent infection with the virus, it has been found that in some equids p26 only reactivity persists for extensive periods of time suggesting exposure to antigens. Status of the globally threatened forest birds of northeast Brazil.

    Near-total conversion of forest habitat to sugar cane monocultures has left the region's endemic forest-dependent avifauna marooned in a few highly-fragmented and degraded forest remnants. Here we summarise the current status of 16 globally threatened species based on surveys conducted over the last 11 years.

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    We found a bleak situation for most of these species and consider that three endemics: Glaucidium mooreorum Pernambuco Pygmy-owl, Cichlocolaptes mazarbarnetti Cryptic Treehunter and Philydor novaesi Alagoas Foliage-gleaner are most likely globally extinct. Some positive news can, however, be reported for both Leptodon forbesi White-collared Kite and Synallaxis infuscata Pinto's Spinetail which may warrant re-evaluation of their respective red list statuses.

    We outline a road map to prioritise conservation interventions in the region directed at preventing the extinction of this suite of threatened bird species and their companion biota.